

Hi y'all.

I'm on my way home from Blissdom and just wanted to to recap this awesome weekend with a few highlights:

  • I did not faint or throw up the entire weekend. 'nough said.
  • I only took three pictures. One was of my flat friend Amanda and a Food Network Super-stah:

  • I met my sweet roommate Muthering Heights who brought me a GALLON of Chick Fil A Sweet Tea. It's so good to be understood.
  • Meeting with most of the girls from (in)Courage BLESSED me. Love them all!
  • I saw HARRY CONNICK JR kiss a piece of paper and enjoy it! (Tidymom, you are so famous).

  • I met with a book editor (maybe I'll have some news to share-you'll be the first to know).
  • The first full day exhausted me. Seriously. Never been so tired. I actually overslept until 9:24 in the A.M., just an hour before I was to speak. (But just between us, it was beautiful sleep in which I entered the REM, so I have no regrets).
  • I actually enjoyed speaking on the panel (Sharon, the NY publicist, little old me, Alicia, an author and The Today Show Producer and Erin from $5 Dollar Dinners and Simple Mom-not pictured):
  • My blog came to life when I met dozens and dozens of readers and other bloggers, the true highlight of such a special conference!
  • Not so much a highlight, but I just wanted y'all to know that there can be a hotel that is TOO big. My Lordy. It took FIFTEEN minutes to walk back to my room. Which leads me to me final point:
  • I am giving away these shoes!


Karin Katherine said...

I took a few more pictures than 3---but nearly enough. Thank goodness for the Blissdom Flickr group!

Melissa Stover said...

i saw you but i never even said hello. loved your panel on book publishing. though i may never write a book, i thought it was so interesting each of your journeys.

The Park Wife said...

So sorry I did not get to go! I bet it was a blast. Put those tootsies up and relax!

Traci said...

Glad you had a good time! And I would GLADLY take those little cuties off your hands! I'm a size 8.5.

Lady said...

I just started reading a month ago, but I can't enough of your honesty and humor. I have been wanting to go to Blissdom for two years now, I hope next time to make it! said...

Glad you had such a fabulous time! I was at the Gaylord for a MOPS conference a few years ago and I didn't learn the quickest way to my room till the night before we left!! I was so jealous my SIL got to not only meet you, but be your roomie as well!

O Mom said...

Glad you had fun!
Don't give your shoes away, next time just discreetly slip them off and run like a "lady" back and forth from your room! :)

The Glamorous Life Association said...

Even though I don't get the point of conferences...especially after the BlogHer nightmare last year...but I am sincerely glad you not only survived, but HAD FUN.

Oh, and no one wears the shoes IN THE HALLWAY!!!

Kristen @ Hope Abound said...

I'm thinking next year I might try to make it to and several other of my favorite bloggers made it sound so much fun.
Thank you for your blog. I love reading all of your advice and stories.
I'm glad you had a good time at Blissdom. I can't wait to hear more about your trip.

Musings of a Housewife said...

Did you JUST change your header? It's like it changed before my very eyes! LOL.

Was so nice seeing you. Can't wait to hear more about your book news. :-)

Anonymous said...

Those shoes would look great sitting in my closet - as long as they're an 8 1/2! :)

So glad you had a great time at Blissdom. About half of the people I follow on twitter were there, and I was wishing I was, too. Maybe next year, who knows?

Ally said...

Glad you enjoyed your visit! I've been reading for a month or so now and I wish I could have been their for your panel at blissdom! Congrats!

thediaperdiaries said...

So glad I got to bask in your fame ;) in all seriousness, I am so thrilled for you and your blog success. God has big things for you and it is fun to cheer you on from the sidelines. Can't wait to hear on the book

Laryssa Herbert said...

I was so glad to meet you. Thanks for taking the time to chat with me. :-)

Unknown said...

If I had been there I would DEFINITELY have said hello!

Maybe some year.....I live in hope!

Amanda said...

So glad you had a good time & thanks for letting me "tag" along! at least George didnt try feeding me meat ;-)

Anonymous said...

so sorry about your poor feet! i'm SO not a heel wearer, but yours are awfully cute!

Lorie said...

I live in Nashville & would have loved to have come to the hotel to meet some of you. However, I've had a busy weekend getting ready to have baby #3 on Tuesday. So glad you had a good time. I'm also an introvert so I know how hard it can be to get out there & meet new people.

Kristen said...

Thanks, y'all! If you didn't get to go this year, mark your calendars for Feb. next year!!

Muthering Heights said...

You are adorable!! Meeting you was DEFINITELY one of the highlights of the conference for me too!!

I'm not sure your hubby will let you give those shoes away!! ;)

Staci said...

Seriously.......... You are giving away those shoes!!!!! I would love to know where you got them so if I don't win them I can just go buy them they are adorable. It looked like you really enjoyed your 15 mins. of fame. You are awesome.

TidyMom said...

Can't WAIT to hear about your book news!!

You're so cute!! and my flat self had a fabulous time too!!LOL

Looks like so much fun!! I hope to make it in 3D form next year!


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

It was wonderful seeing you again!


em-jay said...

What?!! How can you giveaway those amazing shoes!

Glad you had fun!

Erica said...

If you're serious about giving them away, and you're a 7.5, I'd be happy to help you out. I'm all about helping out a Christian sister. ;)

Lindsay @ Makely said...

It was so great to meet you this weekend, Kristen!

Tiffany said...

Sounds like so much fun!!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

It was a highlight of my trip to meet you and Jessica from Muthering Heights! Praying for your upcoming Compassion trip! and girl, I am so thankful I wore flats the whole trip =)

bridget {bake at 350} said...

I am not jealous.I am not jealous.I am not jealous. I am not jealous.