
Vintage Pearl {Giveaway}

*UPDATE* We have a winner, people. Mr. Random chose a man (my hubby will be proud)! Congrats to Dave HomeSchool Dad

While I'm bonding with my hubby this week, I thought y'all might enjoy a giveaway from one of my favorite Etsy stores!

Y'all know I love my hubby (even when he takes pictures of me sleeping with my mouth open).

How could I not? Especially when he comes up with stuff like this:

He contacted The Vintage Pearl and had her create this necklace for me:

You're what works for me 
(as in WFMW)

I'm glad I work for him. And I'm assuming he's not referring to the laundry.

Erin did a fabulous job. I absolutely love her hand-stamped jewelry!

Today, she's offering a reader a custom piece. Winner's choice ($50 value)!

Visit her shop, tell me what you'd put on a custom piece, or even better, what your hubby would engrave on a necklace!! 

This giveaway will end on Friday.


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Unknown said...

What a thoughtful gift!!

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