I love Spring! And candy shaped like eggs!
But as a Christian, I enjoy sharing the Resurrection Story with my kids.
For the past 5 or 6 years, we have used Resurrection Eggs to tell the amazing story. Family Life created these incredible story-telling tools before I was a parent and they have been hugely successful. Wal Mart sells them for a fantastic price. If you can't find them there, you can get them here (Resurrection Eggs).
The boxed set of plastic eggs come with a very good book that explains the story with Scriptures and ideas for celebrating. Each egg contains a symbol of The Resurrection story.
We gave our set away last year to our Russian Friends to take with them on their trip.
Instead of buying another one, we thought it would be powerful to make our own!
I saved an egg carton and gathered a dozen plastic eggs.
We made a list of 12 items that are in the Resurrection Story and if we couldn't find the object around the house/yard, we just used our creativity.
Here's ours:
1. A picture of a donkey (Jesus triumphal entry)
2. Palm leaf from our front yard
3. A cup (from the Last Supper) We used a small lid to a water bottle
4. A flower (representing the Garden where Jesus prayed)
5. Some coins (Judas' betrayal)
6. A piece of leather (symbolizing the whip)
7. A thorn (crown of thorns)
8. A paper cross
9. A dice (represent the soldiers who gambled for his clothes)
10. A nail (crucifixion)
11. A rock (to cover the tomb)
12. An empty egg (to remember the empty tomb!)
I think this is such a fantastic way to teach Easter in a tangible way. You can open all the eggs at one time or do like our family and begin twelve days before Easter and open one egg each night. We're on day three and it's such a fun way to end our day. Our kids take turns opening the eggs and we read Scripture.
Tonight we Googled the place of Jesus' death because they had so many questions and thoughts....
It's more than a story!
Thank you for joining me for WFMW! {You can read the guidelines here.}Have a Works-For-Me Wednesday tip you'd like to share? I'd love for you to join us!
Please note that the suggested THEME for April 7 is "The Greatest Tips Edition" Use this opportunity to share your best idea or an older post or two!
We love our Resurrection Eggs! The kids look forward to doing them every year.
Love this idea! I've never heard of it before until this year!
Thanks for inspiring me!
Such a great idea to make your own!
I never did that will my boys, I wish I would have known "back then."
Thanks for hosting!
I love the idea of making your own!
I applaud your twist on Easter eggs. Very creative, very appropriate. Thanks for hosting! :~D
I've been following your blog for just a few weeks since you went to Africa and enjoy it. It's so funny you posted this b/c my sister just did resurrection eggs with my daughter today (she watches her) and my daughter (4.5) came home and told the story over and over. She was so excited. ANd she instructed us to say each time " I wonder what's in the next egg?" and she would reply " well let's find out!". Such a great idea!
We have made our own version for years and now use them with foster kids that are here. Each child gets their own egg for the day including a verse which when memorized gets a small token on Easter Sunday.
The Pre-K kids at my children's school make theses every year. It is a very powerful exercise.
And my two oldest, who have already made them, always pull them out and tell me the story each year as we get ready for Easter.
Thank you for posting this! I need this for a lesson for my deaf kids' Bible club.
Cute idea.. sounds like fun for the kids also.
I love this idea! We may have to try it out. I better get crackin'!
Thank you for sharing this. I've been wanting to do these eggs, but didn't want to spend money right now...saving for another adoption! We're making these today as part of homeschool.
Thank you for this idea.
I gave you an award on my blog.
What a great way to share this story with little ones and even big ones too! You have some great tips. Thanks!
I just got my Resurrection eggs out to use on Wednesday nights as we started a new study for the adults and it looks like I will be babysitting the children. Think this will be a great way of helping the children understand the true meaning of Easter!
thanks for letting me link up today!
bee blessed
We loved these as a family when the kids were younger, I think they leave a lasting, and needed, impression for a holiday the world tells us is just about the Easter Bunny and candy. Thank you for (re)posting this.
Btw, I'm enjoying your compassion posts and they are challenging me as well!
We just started our resurrection eggs last night. The kids were so excited. My oldest especially b/c in his words, "the story of Jesus death and resurrection is my favorite Bible story." mine too buddy, mine too....
funny little tid bit... when i asked them what the people said when Jesus rode into town on the donkey he answered, "Jose!" so close and so funny to me!
anyway, great tip for making your own, will tuck that away should we lose ours!
I will be doing this for my first grade sunday school class
We're making one too! I got a list of things from this website
and we're making resurrection buns (I'll probably use the easy ones here
Happy Easter!
Our church did this last year (or was it the year before?) and it was a huge hit with the kids. Such a great illustration!
We've never done the resurrection eggs, but I think they're a great idea. Maybe we'll actually do them this year. :)
I really like the storybook "Benjamin's Box" that goes along with Resurrection eggs.
What a creative way to create your own Resurrection Eggs!
Wow.. I like the idea and all the stuffs.. so cool! I love to make it one day (if I have enough time). Thanks for the tip. Here's My Works-For-Me-Wednesday --- Laundry Tip by the way. This is my first time to enter, I hope you welcome me. :)
I made these years ago in elementary school!
Great Idea - maybe we will do this for our Sunday school egg hunt.
I love this idea so much. I wish I would have had it when mine were younger. I think I'll pass this on.
We love our Resurrection Eggs, too! My 6yo likes to get them out all throughout the year. It warms my heart to no ends to hear him tell the story...Thanks for hosting and mostly for sharing your heart with us. Have a blessed week!
We've had a set of resurrection eggs for several years and my kids look forward to them every year. What a great idea to make your own.
Perfect! I was just looking for some ideas for what to fill our eggs with this morning, and I just happened upon your blog from a search about cooking bone-in chicken! Thanks for a blog that helped me check off two items on the to-do list.
i just bought the resurrection eggs today for our family. i'm gonna use them tomorrow in preschool. thank you for the idea.
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