
Be a Candle in the Corner

(I'm taking a break from THAT Family Tree Society today)

One of my long-time readers describes herself as a "simple missionary mom." That alone humbles me. This sweet mom of four (in a foreign country, no less) is a candle in the darkness and her lone light is shining brightly.

She blogs at Moms, Ministry and More and she created a fabulous giveaway carnival that also raises funds for missionaries all over the globe who have donated unique items for the giveaway prizes. The carnival starts next week. You can read the details here or click on the button on my sidebar.

Check it out and let your candle shine!

P.S. If you read my newsletter, you've heard me mention this game, The Armor of God. We love this game! Make Family Night Fun sent it to us to try out and it's a lot of fun. It leads to great discussions with your kids and it's a very cool game! 


Lori said...

I love how you use your blog to help others and shine a light on great women. Thank you!

Nina in Portugal said...

Hi! I'm Nina in Portugal and one of the missionary mom's participating in Heidi's Candle in the Corner giveaway.

Thank you for helping to promote this fantastic event!

God Bless You!

Kelly Hallahan said...

Hi, I'm new to your blog, but also a missionary participating in Heidi's Candle in the Corner giveaway, and just wanted to say thanks!

It is a blessing to know that people around the globe are pulling together to make His glory known!

Norberto Kurrle said...

Hi! I'm Julie and I serve in Paraguay as a missionary/mom and I'm so glad you posted about the Candle in the Corner event. Thanks so much for supporting what God's doing around the world!

Sarah DeSalvo said...

Hi! I'm Sarah (Junglewife). Thanks so much for promoting this event. I live in Indonesia and I'm participating, too...

I think I'll have to subscribe to your blog and keep up with it now - I've looked around a bit and like it!

Ana Degenaar said...

Hi I'm Ana, a missionary mom to Brazil, I'm also participating, thank you for sharing this with your readers, I am very excited about this event :) Blessings