I found three unpainted wooden plates on the clearance aisle of Hobby Lobby earlier this summer for around $2 each. (I can't remember the original price, but I know I saved a pretty penny).
Which is the best kind.
I really didn't have a plan for the plates, but on an especially long summer day last week, I drug them out and asked my kids to paint them.
And suddenly the sun was shining brighter.
I used my can of chalkboard paint that keeps on giving (seriously, I've had the quart for 3 years!) and painted the inside of the plates.
I bought plate hangers from WalMart for $1-ish each.
I decided to hang them in my kitchen above the window sink. I wrote the three letters that are very close to my heart: E-A-T
And I love them!
My friend at The Eck Life suggested I put "J-O-Y" on them during the holidays!
What other three letter words would work?
Check out Kimba's for more DIY projects!