
And This is Where I Give Away Some Chicken

*UPDATE* Well, all you wild chicken fans, we have some winners! Congrats to Christi of In His Step, Christie O of Baby Tea Leaves and reader (no blog) Kate at 

So, when I was contacted about interviewing Food Network's Robin Miller about her new cookbook Robin Rescues Dinner and her Tyson partnership, I asked this burning question, "Does it include free chicken?"

Because I'm all about the yard bird.

Hiding from my kids in my backyard at 7:15 AM in my pajamas to interview a TV star, well, that was just a bonus.

I'm not much of a foodie blogger, but I was really intrigued by this new cookbook because Robin has filled it with nearly 400 recipes (52 weeks) that focus on healthy, easy family-friendly recipes. She also uses a lot of the Tyson Frozen Chicken and Beef Strips in her recipes in an effort to not heat up her oven in the summer. 

And if you haven't heard by now, it is hot in Texas. Our church actually prayed for rain on Sunday. And a rain dance my be next on the agenda.

Robin Rescues Dinner by Robin Miller: Book Cover

So, here's what I asked Robin:

  1.   How did you go from the Mom cooking at home to the Mom cooking on TV? 
"I didn’t pursue it. I was on TV working for Family Circle magazine. I went from cranberry sauce, that I’d never made before on Tuesday, to making cookies with Al Roker on Sunday on The Today Show. Cooking came first and then my boys, who are 5 and 7 came next. So, my cooking style has changed. I used to carmelize and deglaze and spend hours in the kitchen. Now I try to get the same flavors in a shorter amount of time and that’s why I write the way I do."

2.   Do you have a lot of no cook, oven-free recipes? 
"Yes. I have full meals including desserts that don’t require heating up the kitchen. There are so many ways to keep it cool in the kitchen and still have a healthy meal. I also like to use the early morning hours to boil rice and heat up the stove when it’s still cool."    

3.   Do you have any healthy fun snack ideas for toddlers? 
"I try to think outside the box. I like to make sure my kids get a lot of protein throughout the day because my little boys are active. Why can’t you have whole grain cereal as a snack after school or breakfast for dinner? If my kids are starving at 4:30 pm, I give them dinner and a snack at 7:00 pm. I love using Tyson’s fully cooked chicken dipped in salsa or honey mustard. This is a great healthy snack. I like to make every snack count and not just feed them."

And because I couldn't resist:

4.  Have you had any THAT family moments in the kitchen? 
"We are always THAT family. In WalMart or the Supermarket, my kids are the ones running around. We drop eggs on the floor, too. Kitchen disasters happen once a week. It’s usually a spill or a mess. I like bringing my kids into the kitchen to cook with me. It’s a bonding moment and they like to cook with me. I like to turn those THAT family moments into I’m proud to be THAT family moments. There’s no shame."

Today, I'm giving away 3 of her brand new cookbooks. They are fabulous. Each winner will also got 3 coupons for bags of Tyson chicken or beef strips! (These coupons retail at $9.99 each). Today's total giveaway value: $150 

That's a lot of chicken.

Just leave a comment and tell me how you keep your kitchen cool in the summer to be entered!

This giveaway will end on Thursday.


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Cheryl Wade said...

We make good use of the grill and crockpot. Plus my whole family loves salads.

Tara said...

I recently rediscovered how great the crockpot is. Also, a family favorite is quesadillas - bean or chicken with cheese - Yum!

Anonymous said...

My ideas have been covered: crockpot, lots of grilling, CEREAL, popsicles..... *fingers crossed!* ~Kirsten
b.k.parr (at) netzero (dot) com

The Bertone's said...

I absolutely love cookbooks! I think I may be addicted to them! So this is a fabulous giveaway!

To keep our kitchen cooler in the summer we eat more salad's, and do stuff in the crockpot!
But we are always up for some new ideas!

Amanda B said...

Since we live in AZ, I lvoe taking advantage of the abundance of sunshine and using my Hot Pot solar cooker in the summer. It is so easy, and I can even bake bread in it. I also use the grill, crockpot and toaster oven to avoid heating up the house with the oven or standing over a hot stove when I would rather be sitting in front of the cooler!

Lori said...

I use my crockpot a lot!

Rachel@just another day in paradise said...

1) grill, 2) crockpot, 3) salads, and 4) (my favorite) eating out.

Amy said...

I prefer to grill. Turned on the oven last night and thought I was gonna die! I hate cooking in the Summer but the dang kids still think they need to eat.

Vintage Christine said...

200+ comments on a chicken post? Sweet!

Momofseven said...

I love to use rotisseried chicken, which I cook at night, or buy at costco. It goes great with salads, any kind! Any thing I like to oven cook, I try to cook ahead of time when its cool at night.

Rhodora said...

Ooh, pick me, pick me!

It usually doesn't get real hot till the afternoon here, so on a weekend morning I do my "big cooking" for the week. I set aside a few hours in the kitchen to make enough dishes to last the week. One dish on the crockpot, one in the oven and one or two on the stove.

So during the week when I don't even want to think about turning on the stove, being tired from work and it being too hot in the house, we just have to nuke one of the dishes and we are good to go...

I like the idea of sandwiches for dinner tho', and I have been known on occasion to have cereal too!

A Dusty Frame said...

I keep it cool by eating salads and smoothies;)

Thanks for entering me:)

staceyhoff said...

I use my grill and crock pot a lot!

Wade's World said...

We grill alot, or use the crockpot to keep our kitchen cool. That, or just eat dinner out!

The Hall Family said...

We grill a lot in the summer. I've also heard that using your crockpot and putting it on the porch to cook helps a lot. We have bears where in our neighborhood, so I don't think I'll be placing any of our food outside! We also do a lot of our baking (bread, muffins, etc.) in the morning.

Miss Mandy said...

We do almost everything on the grill. Meat, potatoes, veggies...with foil & kabobs almost everything works.

Janelle said...

Cook everything on the grill, in a crockpot (lasagna is my latest fave) or in a skillet. The cooktop cools down much faster than the oven. I also schedule my meals around the weather forecast (microwave leftovers when it's really stinkin' hot).

Anonymous said...

We mainly eat snack foods or get delivery when it is hot!!
This is a really great giveaway and I hope I win.

pandaandtigger@msn (dot)com

Anonymous said...

I plug my crockpot in on the back patio! I try to make a one pot meal, and after work we just grab bowls and spoons!

Lisa said...

We grill alot and make a lot of cold sandwich stuff (chicken salad, tuna salad, etc).

Melissa said...

we do a lot of bbq'ing. i can make a salad and some pilaf or a bit of pasta without too much heat and hubs can throw something on the grill and only have to check it a few times so he doesn't get to hot either. i'm always looking for something new and exciting though!

Anonymous said...

Load the grill, chill the watermelon, and look at the tomatoes that refuse to turn red with a big sigh and try to forget about BLTs for a while longer.

Anonymous said...

If I want to stay cool in the kitchen, I don't go in! I either send Hubby in to fix pancakes or I cry and ask him to heat something up for us.

Andrea C, said...

We keep the kitchen cool by doing lots of BBQ foods on the grill. When we're not grilling, we're using the crockpot.

Kristin K. said...

We grill a lot during the summer, and I will usually pick 1 or 2 days during the week and cook several meals, so the oven is only on during those days. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Michelle said...

How fun! I may have to check it out. Our house does not have central air and I have been turning on the oven too much!

One Gray Hair At A Time said...

BBQ we eat a lot of sandwiches.

Beach said...

Grill, Crock Pot, and Lots of salads and fresh fruits for cool snacks too!

--Amie-- said...

We use a crockpot.... A LOT!!! You would be so surprised at what all you can make just out of that alone!! Especially some Sesame Chicken, its HEAVENLY! :)

Wanda said...

Mainly by not using the oven too often.
In summer...we like to grill and do salads.

They make life fun and easy!

Anonymous said...

I try to do most of a weeks cooking in one day, that way I'm only heating for that day. We also, do a lot of sandwiches, salads & cereal. I also love to use crock pots, rice cooker & things like that.

mommybirdto4girls at yahoo dot com

Precision Quality Laser said...

We eat a lot of salad in summertime...chicken salad on tostadas, egg salad sandwiches, taco salad (using meat that was already cooked but was just waiting in the freezer for its debut!).

Or, good old lunchmeat sandwiches come in handy too.

Don't forget your friend the crockpot...I LOVE cooking with that in the summer!

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Niki said...

We keep it cool by using the crock pot outside, grilling and lots of cool salads:)


Tracey said...

We try to use the grill as much as possible and have fresh produce that requires minimal cooking.

DairyQueen said...

we love the grill and cold salads - chicken salad is my favorite!

It sounds like this cookbook would be the perfect one for families like ours :)

Carol said...

I use my crockpot, and sometimes I even put it outside. I also use my grill and we eat lots of fruit, cottage cheese and veggie dinners!

Amanda said...

We use the indoor and outdoor grill a lot during the hot summer months.

What a great giveaway! Thanks

Tara said...

We just moved last November into a house without central air. It was up in the 90s last week (and mid 60s this week, go figure). We had LOTS of deli meat or pbj sandwiches. :)

Kristen said...

Cooking is inevitable for me, so I try to cook/bake right before bed, so the house has all night to cool down. I use the microwave to reheat anything that is already made in the fridge.

Niki Jolene said...

I use my crockpot ALOT and even put it outside on the patio if it is really hot. Who wants to stand in a hot kitchen in the summer? Not me!


ndisilvio @ gmail . com

Julie said...

We try to grill as much as possible in the summer...the whole meal on the grill! Then enjoy with a nice cold beverage! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

if it can't be grilled, it can't be cooked in this weather!!!

blessedpath said...

We have been ordering carry out a lot lately....It's just too darn hot!!! I DO love to cook, but just haven't been in the mood lately. I like watching Robyn on tv.

Renee Holley said...

My husband's not much of a grill man, unlike his father. I tend to use the oven even though it's hot. I like just popping things in the oven instead of standing over the hot stove.

happyhubbub said...

I didn't realize you were in Texas too - it's as if the sun is taking a break by laying down here isn't it?

The toaster oven is my friend - I've baked a meatloaf in that sucker (just used smaller pans). Without it I don't know how I'd get through the summers around here! The grill helps a lot too.

Pam said...

Wow! I'm really excited about this cookbook! It's been hotter than blue blazes lately and I've been trying to be creative with dinner, so as not to heat up the kitchen. We've been trying lots of salad recipes. I could definitely use some inspiration!

Rebecca Shaw said...

Lots and lots of sandwiches and the crockpot.... I definitely could use some better ideas.

Elz said...

We grill out more and try to make "cooler" side dishes like salads in the summer.

Nancy said...

I send hubby out to cook on the grill and make lots of salads. I would love to win this....we eat chicken ALL THE TIME!! I won't hold my breath, but thanks for the chance :)

Christi said...

Well, I cook alot on the grill and try to avoid using the oven as much as possible. I also try to make cook and light meals as much as I can. One of my favorites is salad that everyone builds themselves. Since the kids are picky and only want fruit, lettuce, and meat on theirs, that is all they put on theirs. Hubby and I load ours down with all sorts of other toppings.

Shannon said...

I try to buy thin (cheap) quick cook cuts that only need 10 minutes of stovetop heat.

Jingle said...

I order Chinese! I also use a lot of things that at least cook quickly. We like fast recipes, all year, actually!

Julianne said...


Reflections in My Mirror said...

I try to do a lot of Prep work for my weekly meals on the weekend beginning Friday night. I do a little at a time but enough to prep my meals for the week! This usually means I do less "cooking" for dinner. Just mix, heat, and serve. I make extra pancakes and waffles that we pop in the toaster during the week. I roast 2 chickens at a time late at night. Just stuff like that that makes it "cooler" and easier for this working mom!

Clarissa said...

You are actually praying for rain! In Maine and New England we are praying for sun. We have had 7.7 inches of rain this month and 2 weeks of rain everyday!

Grandma Sandy said...

My wonderful husband will often grill several things at once on the weekend (all chicken breasts, or a mix of chicken breasts, tri tip, or steak), enough to last well into the week. I'll make sandwiches, salads, or stir fry with fresh vegetables for the rest of the week.

jennschmerer said...

I am all over this giveaway!

I cheat and have my husband bring home food from our restaurant on days when it's just too hot to cook. :0)

Alyson said...

I plan meals for my hubby to grill, and we usually grill for several nights at once. Then I have pre-cooked meats & veggies for fajitas, salads, you name it. Also lots of pasta around here, since it's so quick. I'd love the cookbook to help me find more recipes that my kids will eat, too.

Sydni said...

Sounds like a good cookbook. I live in Arizona, so keeping the kitchen cool is really important...otherwise the electric bill goes through the roof from the AC working overtime. I do a lot of microwave cooking and outdoor grilling.

Mombrud said...

The grill and my crockpot are my best friends during the summer!

Kate said...

I love Robin Miller! Hmm, keeping a cool kitchen, we use the outside grill, our foreman grill and the crockpot. Also I serve a lot of no cook dinners. Thanks for the giveaway, hope to win.

The Pinnt's said...

We use the BBQ ALOT in the summer. We live in So Cal and don't have central air. It gets HOT in here. The BBQ is great for that, I'm always happy to find tried and true recipes for the grill, and not heating up the kitchen!

Emily said...

Salads of all kinds. Great for summer, and great for keeping the kitchen cool!

Carol H. said...

Salads, grilling out or just not cooking!

Melanie Eccles said...

I resort to fresh salads and grilling but can't resist turning on the oven at times because I'm an avid baker. :)

Rachel said...

The grill or the crock pot save the day when it gets too hot up here in Michigan. Which, this summer, isn't too often. We're on about our third spring, I think.

Kelly said...

We grill outside a couple times a week... I plan to eat leftovers that we can microwave if I know a really hot day is coming... and sometimes I'll use the toaster oven instead of the oven if the recipe works with that; it generates a LITTLE less heat, at least.
btw, I wish we could give you some of our rain here in New England!!! It won't stop!!

Vanessa said...

We have 3 kids and a husband who likes to eat, so I cook!
However, its on the grill or in the crock pot! Chicken salad is a favorite around well as salads with chicken mixed in.

Elizabeth said...

This summer, we dug a firepit in the backyard. I haven't used it much, but I'm excited to try out my campfire cooking someplace where I can run to a 'real" kitchen to rescue dinner if I need to!

Laura said...

we do things in smaller batches in the toaster oven in order to avoid heating up the big oven!

berrypatch said...

I grill as much as possible. ;-) And we've had more than the normal amount of rain for us this time of year. I'd LOVE to send some your way if I could. I'm about done with it all at this point & want some sun!

Chicken Herder from Westville said...

We eat cold sandwiches and potato salads, other salads, we use the grill outside and cook indirectly, use it as an oven and it works quite well!

bake in the early morning hours before it gets hott out!

Stephanie said...

I love to bake, but I can't stand to make my kitchen hot. Nor can I stand the $200 electric bill each month. My biggest tip for keeping it cool in my kitchen is baking after hours. My energy company's peak hours of usage are 1 pm to 9 pm during the summer. I'll either bake super early or wait until after everyone has gone to bed. If it is a meal that requires the oven I still prepare it during the off hours. Then we simply reheat it in the microwave when we are ready to eat.

Joe said...

We use the grill a lot as well as use the crockpot. We also tend to eat a lot of salads, wraps, etc that do not have to be made in the oven.

Anonymous said...

As someone whose air conditioning has been broken for the last 4 days, I know how important it is! i cooked dinner in the crock pot today and last year I bought a combo microwave/convection oven and if I need to use my oven during the heat of the day, I use that instead. I also try and group my baking.

Gay Stricklin said...

Crockpot and Microwave, baby!

Beth said...

I like the grill and will use the stove top in the early hours of the day. We also eat a lot of salads! This is a great giveaway!

Sarah said...

We eat a lot of sandwiches and salads. OR we eat

Its getting old quick so Im gonna fire up the crockpot and see what I can come up with...Oklahoma heat can be unbareable!

Michelle said...

Seems like here it's even too hot to grill outside!! I have a Cuisinart panini/griddle that I LOVE!! I have forever loved the George Forman, but this one is so much easier to clean because the cooking plates come off and you can wash them in the sink!! Definitely keeps our house a lot cooler!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's a lot of chicken recipes.
We keep our cool by 1) living in the Northeast and 2) cooking on the grill.

Jennifer said...

We're all about the grill in the summer! Not only do we grill the current night's supper, but we grill enough for the next night too. We'll use the leftover grilled chicken to make salads the night after we grill. It's just as yummy, and there's no heating up the kitchen required!

The P in PJs til Noon said...

Pretty much the same as above..grill a lot and we just don't cook as much! Sandwiches and yes, tonight, some of my kids even had cereal *gasp* for dinner!

The Martin Family said...

My favorite ways to keep the kitchen cool (and I'm in Texas too) are to 1. order Papa John's on Mondays for 5.99 for a large one topping, 2. use my crock pot for one-pot meals, and 3. use my toaster oven.

I love to grill, but going outside to the 100+ temps doesn't seem like a better option. :)

Kendra aka The Meanest Momma said...

We do a lot of skillet cooking, grilling, and just plain nuking leftovers!

Anonymous said...

We make a lot of salads, and cook a little later in the evening to survive the heat.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway. How fun!

zoetrope2000 at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

Cool giveaway! I do lots of stovetop cooking or my husband will use the grill (the only time he cooks LOL). I do much less baking in the summer which does help keep the kitchen cool.

mommy4life said...

We eat a lot of salad and we grill, a LOT!

SavannahsSmiles said...

We Love to Grill outside during the summer, and I also make lots of "sandwich" buffets with fresh fruits.

Jackie said...

I keep the kitchen cool by trying to not use the oven. I use recipes that I can cook on top of the stove, in the crockpot or outside on the grill. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

Just Mom said...

I turn on the central air conditioning. :-D

Rebecca said...

Baked potatoes in the summer?! Yes, yes, yes: wrap them in foil and place them in the crock pot. And put the crock pot in the garage. No heat in the house!

Alexia said...

An air conditioner keeps our kitchen cool LOL Actually, it doesn't do that hot of a job (window unit) so we've been eating alot of cold fruits, veggies and deli meat. It's working alright so far!

Staci said...

We eat way too many convenience foods. I love to cook in the spring, fall, and winter but I really get into a funk in the summer.

TidyMom said...

I try to use the microwave and grill more in the summertime. The crockpot is another favorite for summer time cooking!!

Great giveaway!


Superchikk said...

I grill as much as I can. And many times I'll grill early in the week and cook all the meat we need for the week, especially if it's chicken to be shreadded or going to be mixed in with something else. Then all it needs is a quick heat in a skillet and it's all hot and yummy again, tasting like it just came off the grill.

Lynn said...

um...we have air conditioning....I cook what I want.

we also use our grill a lot...

Rebecca said...

I don't worry about it too much. We have central air and it doesn't get too hot, but I do use the crockpot ... out on the back patio ... and grill and keep it simple. Lighter foods just seem more appealing when it's hot outside.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great cookbook! I keep the kitchen cool in the summer by using my big crockpot for the main course (leaves lots of leftovers). You can put your crockpot on the porch, if it is protected. That really keeps the inside cool.
I make sure when I do cook, I make a lot of extra food so we have leftovers to keep in the fridge or to freeze.
Also we eat a lot of salads and sandwiches in the summer.

Jerralea said...

This sounds like a great cookbook! I try to keep the kitchen cool by using the crock pot and my trusty electric skillet as much as possible. (Of course, there's always bringing home take out, but that gets expensive!)

grammy said...

The grill!!! Hubby outside!!! The toaster oven is a good emergency oven. It will make us a small dinner and not heat up the house. I have been married 36 years and every summer I wonder how on Earth I get through this time and still feed my hubby. I could eat salads everyday... not so much him though. i am going to read over these comments and get some ideas.

Adventures of Laura said...

I use the slow cooker and grill as much as possible. If I have to use the stove/oven I do it in the morning when it's still relatively cool outside.

Heather said...

Air Conditioning. Just kidding :)

I try and cook when its cool and freeze extras so we can just thaw and use the microwave when its hot. We eat salads and such, use the grill and the crockpot and just do what we can to NOT TURN ON THE OVEN. Doesn't always work, but I keep getting better at it.

Thanks for the giveaway...I'd love to give these a try and always LOVE a new cookbook!


Heather said...

I grill. A Lot.

Unknown said...

I use my crock pot as much as possible and use stove-top cooking the rest of the time. Hubby used the oven for chocolate chip cookies on Sunday, but that's it for us!

Anonymous said...

South Texas dictates that we have cook-top meals a lot rather than use the oven...but it's stil hot!!!

emilyslinger at juno dot com

Betsy Smith said...

We do lots of sandwiches and wraps in the summer. Crockpot cooking is nice but you still end up with hot food so we have been rethinking that as well. Sometimes we do pastas without a heavy sauce. When I do have to cook I try to make a lot so we have plenty of leftovers. At least that way I am only making the kitchen/house hot a few times a week instead of nearly every night.

Meredith said...

The crock pot is great, or I try to cook early in the day, then we can just re-heat in the microwave. Also, salads and sandwhiches are my go-to when I don't want to heat up the kitchen.

Hannah said...

We eat a lot of salads - including pasta salads or whole-grain salads. Or we even like to just do "snack" meals: chips and salsa, veggies with hummus, cheese and crackers.

becky said...

we love our grill in the summertime! :)

Connie said...

I'm always looking for chicken recipes - especially ways to keep the kitchen cool, stay healthy, and beat the clock recipes. Cooking is not really my joy, either!

Enjoyed your column, first time at your blog - I love it!

Sam and Mandy said...

I keep the kitchen cool by grilling outside! All I have to do is the prep work and then my husband does all the cooking!

Sharilyn said...

I use my crockpot or roaster oven (the one I use for the Thanksgiving turkey), and plug them in on the back deck. That way I don't use the oven, or heat INSIDE of the house. My husband is so proud of me. (I also did tape tin foil over the windows that face south.--a bit nutso, I know, but it really does help!)

Melissa R said...

This is such a cool giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

In the summer months, the options are - cold food, grilled food, or cooked in the crockpot. Period. I am NOT turning on the oven that heats up more than half of my 1100 square feet if the temp is above 65. Even the stovetop only gets used for quick stir fries or rice.

Andi said...

We cook as much out on the grill. And in the microwave. Which is probably going to kill us, but we'll be cool.

Melanie said...

I love watching Robin on Food Network!

Of course, we do the out, cook in the morning, salads & sandwiches, & grill.

One afternoon last summer, we had a neighbor with a really large grill/smoker. All the neighbors brought out some meat to grill for their family & a side to share. It was a lot of fun & no one had to heat up their kitchen that day!

Shaybplus3 said...

Oh pick me pick me! We eat so much Chicken! This would be awesome and the cookbook sounds like a great resource.

Thanks for the chance!
*Shay B*

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