- I used to be a semi-professional clown. My name was Bloomers.
- As a little girl, I snuck Bologna out of the house and shared it with the neighborhood kids. I hid it when there wasn't a pocket available.
- I'm in the early stages of writing an E-Book.
- I asked my hubby out on our first date, took him two-stepping (because I knew he knew how and would have to teach me!)
- At one time, I was an ordained minister.
- I can burp the alphabet (and that has nothing to do with me longer being ordained).
- I have a temper.
- I don't like to drink water.
- I like the smell of glue.
- I used to make my sister sing "You Light Up My Life" to me every night before bed.
- When I was in junior high, I was in a girl fight. I pulled hair and scratched. It was ugly.
- I'm afraid my children will get hurt or terminally sick.
- Yesterday, my wrap dress blew open in the wind. Eye contact was made with several people who can now identify me in a lineup based on the color of my undergarments.
- I sorta have a thing for Pierce Brosnan.
- I'd rather the above fact not define me.
- I still have moments when I worry no one will read or comment on my blog post.
- I don't sleep well the night before I go to garage sales because I'm excited. It's a sickness.
- My 28 months of infertility were the darkest days of my life.
- If I have cookies or brownies in the kitchen, they beckon me to come have a bite...in the middle of the night.
- I have one brother and he's on a World Wide Web advisory panel that discusses the future of the Internet and he had one of the very first weblogs in the early 90's.
- I don't understand half of what he says. He got all the smart genes.
- The lady behind the register at Target knows my name. She asked me how my family was doing yesterday.
- My favorite movies are Anne of Green Gables and all the James Bond movies. I like to diversify.
- I'm a Godmother.
- I have no more secrets. I am undone.
How about you? Tell me one thing most people don't know about you.......
P.S. We packaged up our Memorial Day project. There's still time join in!

I love your #17!
I love #1. I was a clown like that too. I even regularly attended clowning conventions (!) and had 3" eyelashes. My name was Peppermint and my brother was Buzz the Hobo.
Thank you so much for getting back to me about those Sam's Club trays. Right now they're a centerpiece, but I'm sure mine will be used for food soon too.
One thing people don't know about me...in second grade I got my head stuck in my desk chair and the janitor had to come cut me out.
Why do I feel like I'll blog about that now?
I love that not sleeping the night before hitting up the garage sales...too funny!
ps. Anne of Green Gables is one of my faves too!
I flew across the Atlantic when I was an infant. My daddy was stationed in Germany and they wouldn't let my pregnant mama make the trans-Atlantic trip with him so she had to wait until after I was born. Can you imagine making the trip from Atlanta to New York to Germany with a newborn? Just goes to show you that women generally can do what must be done.
I love Anne of Green Gables.
I used to watch that every summer with my girls. Tradition. Ü
I have wanted to see it again lately. It is that time of year.
In relation to #13.
I was a nursing Mom doing Christmas shopping and at the check out every button on my blouse came undone. (a bit chesty with a milk supply) I realized it when I looked down to see what this guy next to me had been staring at... forever. Boy was I sick to find out.
#8 What do you drink in place of water? I force myself to drink water but I am not keen on it either.
I also think we all worry about whether or not our blog posts will go unappreciated. I love reading almost every one of your posts.
the thing most people do not know that my children have used to their advantage...
I love to do the dishes.
I have #14 in common with you - no one else knows that about me!
I like the smell of horse manure.
I am totally not making this up: when I was a kid, our neighbor Tommy used to sneak salami out of the house and give it to my brother and I! For some reason this was forbidden. My mom didn't want us eating it and I don't know Tommy's mom's stance but apparently it was frowned upon.
We loved that salami though! I'm a vegetarian now...
I must know you pretty well because I knew almost all of these!!!. Mom
So funny;)
I could list tons of things that no one knows about me since I blog under a pseudonym, but here's one.
I can turn my shoulders so that the back of my elbows point completely forward. I can also twist my pinkies so that the tip of my pinky rests on the base joint of the 4th finger--really on the hand not on the 4th finger.
It generally grosses people out;0!
I too went through more than 2 years of infertility. But because I already had 1 child no one ever knew how awful it was for me.
Several of these I already knew about you - Pastor Kristen!
if I enjoy a chick flick - I will watch it night after night after night. I watched Pride & Prejudice 5x the week I checked it out from the library!
something no one knows about me...easy. being the wife of a pastor is making me doubt my faith.
it also makes me weep to think of how judgemental i have been in the past towards other pastor's wives. if only i had known what they were going through...
Love those facts!
A clown - really? I find clowns a bit scary!
I absolutely love this post!
I hide chocolate in my house for emergencies. It is my Calgon.
If it has water in it, then its water so tea counts:)
I make my daughter watch Imagination Movers because I like it. She couldn't care either way.
I love how people are so much the same yet so different. For example, water is my FAVORITE drink. I LOVE my home's tap water and elsewhere I drink Poland Springs if I can get it. I drink water all day, mainly nothing else at all.
Something about me.... I am very worried! My favorite bra has just been discontinued. The company doesn't have any back stock that I could buy, I checked! I have worn the same bra for about 8 years. I don't want to find a new style!!!
Seriously?!? A clown AND an ordained minister? I can't tell if you are kidding or not.
Ummm, could I have a slice of bologna?
I'm not sure if I should applaud you are run screaming from the computer! LOL. I can relate to to much on that list!
Let's see. One thing about me that people might not know huh?
I can look at just about anything and draw it. I love to draw!
Loved your list.
I had no idea you suffered with infertility. I too suffer from infertility and had to do IVF to get these cute little twins of mine. Which is odd because I already had a kid with no problems at all.
Sorry about the delete ... I forgot one.
Feelin' for you on the dress one. Happened to me once a long, long time ago, and now I always wear black spandex shorts thingies under skirts. Especially days I'm teaching.
As for me ...
I actually like guy flicks.
I *HATE* the sound of people chewing food.
I love to vacuum.
I decided about 6 months ago not to answer my phone anymore.
I miscarried my first baby. It was the end of my life until I had my daughter. Now I'm glad for the experience because I can sympathize with others.
I was chosen to be a clown out of the audience during a circus performance when I was about 7. They came up to me beforehand to ask, but it was so loud I didn't understand what they were saying and just said yes to avoid being rude. When I realized what happened I panicked. I was incredibly shy, but did my best.
I was abducted at gunpoint at the age of 19. Love Detroit!
I like to eat chunks of dry cake mix.
Cute post. I hate water too, constantly worry about something happening to my boys, and I can't sleep if I know I'm going to go shopping the next day, garage sale or not.
One thing no one knows about me is that I think I want another baby and I just had one! This last pregnancy was a nightmare, I'm getting to the point of being too old to go through it again anyway, and my family would think I was CRAZY if they knew. :P
You will never find me without my toe nails painted!!!
Well, you don't have to worry about the comment one!
Very, very interesting! Now we know just who lives next door. ;)
What you may not know about me...I like to eat marshmallow creme on Honey Butter Ritz crackers. You knew it would have to do with food, right?!?
Actually, my husband said that I should say that I want to run over bad drivers. :) Makes me sound like a lovely person, huh?
What a good sharer you are. We're still working on the 'care package.' I printed out the address which is by the side of my computer as I type, but there are a lot of huge concepts there to explain and I need to avoid the words 'war' and 'death' in my explanation which is more than a little tricky.
So ours will be very late, probably sometime in the next week, even though it's a short week, but we'll get there in the end.
Best wishes
#10 sounds like somthing I would have done, lol.
I once thought I would like to be a CEO for a Fortune 500 company. At that time being a SAHM had never crossed my mine. Now I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.
I'm like that about garage sales-especially the big community ones. I'm also going through infertility...so I understand how you felt. What's surprising is that so many women deal with it yet many of us don't talk about it. Anne of Green Gables is the best-I love Gil. And we all love your blog!
Number 19, so true for me. I have to admit sometimes it's more than a nibble!! My children have been hurt, sick needing transport by helicpoter and ambulance to hospitals. It makes you stronger... yes it takes your breath away, but it makes you stronger. It also makes you thankful. It also makes you realize, no matter how dark it feels inside. You look around and someone, not very far away is in deeper and darker than you.
I'm so with you on the cookies/brownies. Which is why we nearly never have them in the house... though I still find something to snack on. ;) I once took off my shirt at the lake before swimming and accidentally lifted up the top of my tankini. In front of my family, including my grandparents. I wanted to DIE.
Happy Memorial day! :)
Well...we can see you don't have to worry about #16!
When I was in high school, I backed out of the garage with the rear passenger door open. Let's just say CRUNCH!!! My poor Dad had his share with me and cars at that age. I think I single-handidly turned his hair WHITE! Such a patient man!
Don't feel too bad about the Target lady knowing your name. Mine noticed when I got my hair cut, and I think everyone in the store knows my son's name ;)
I'm with you about being too excited to sleep before garage sales.
My one thing: I would love to have a bunch of kids. Right now, I have 1 child, and it looks like it's going to stay that way.
I just had to comment to appease #16! Don't most bloggers fear that one!
That was too funny, you could have been talking about me in half of them. There is something unique about us in the south.
I am the same way when it comes to not sleeping before garage sales. I think some of it has to do with being afraid I won't wake up early! Thanks for sharing!
I loved your list. I am sorry about your dress blowing in the wind, but it was definitely funny. Most people don't know I would like to write a childrens' book.
I am both an adoptive mother and a birth mother.
Loved #22!
Something people don't know about me.... I loved the nursing bras I found when I was pregnant with my daughter. So much that I kept wearing the same style (that is, when it was time, I bought new ones) even though I was no longer nursing. It's time to buy new ones again, and I'm torn. Do I go back to the same (maternity chain) store and buy more, or buy some real adult bras? We are thinking of trying for #3 later this year, so I hate to spend the money on "regular" ones.
#16. Yes.
Why do I put so much value in that?
So fun to read. Thanks.
#14 - Sorta'?? OWN IT girl - and then you and I will have something else in common....
'Cause I got a definite thing for Pierce Brosnan.... AND? I wouldn't mind being defined by it.
(Just promise you won't tell Wentworth Miller I'm cheating a little on him, 'kay?)
I love your #14 and I am more than willing to watch James Bond movies with my hubby just so I can sit and look at him for 2 hours! lol
LOVE this post!
Infertility was the hardest thing I ever faced as well...God taught me a lot in my brokenness.
I heart Anne of Green Gables (but you have to love Anne of Avonlea too...you wait through HOURS of movies for that ONE kiss at the end).
Post about being an ordained minister please...we need details.
Me too on #12. Maybe sometime you could share how you deal with that? My kids are still really little, and I don't want my fear to haunt me for the rest of their growing up years.
I had no idea about you going through infertility - that is comforting to know that you are another success story! I live with so much fear that it's never going to happen for us.
You got me! I, too, am an Anne Shirley fan. I have even been contemplating giving my soon-to-be-here daughter the middle name Anne (with an E of course)!
Very fun post! I'm with you on #12 - keeps me up at night sometimes.
My mom went to the Ringle Brother's Clown College. Clowns freak me out. If I ever saw her in costume I would be majorly scarred for life. I also have a thing for Pierce. I loved Remington Steele!
Great List! It brought back memories of my sister singing Karen Carpenter songs to me before we fell asleep!
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