
What She Taught Me This Week:

1. Falling down hurts, but that doesn't mean you stop trying ($3 garage sale skates and a big sister teacher).

2. Sometimes stuff just gets in the way (playing inside the empty toy box is better than playing with the toys).

3. A new view changes the way you look at the world (family hike, looking for Dora)

4. Don't be afraid to dream big and fly (I've tried this, it actually works. I dare you: tape purple tissue paper wings to your back and see if it doesn't give you a lift!)

P.S. I'm unplugging from Twitter, my computer and iPhone tomorrow (Monday) for some deep thoughts...see y'all Tuesday for a special Mother's Day post (hint: think photograph that defines motherhood to you). Also, I forgot to mention last week that THIS Wednesday, is a suggested themed edition of WFMW: Backwards Edition-ask your readers a question!


Anonymous said...

Children are the best teachers, aren't they?

Chick Hatchers said...

OK, I LOVE #3! Every single day my 4yo daughter asks me if we can go to Barney's house. She has drawn a map with her finger on the couch with the directions and insists she knows how to get there. It' so cute. I just won't take her because no matter where we end up, it won't be Barney's house and I don't want her to be disappointed. She SO wants to go!

Wander said...

Good lessons! I'm still learning too! And I have almost grown teens!

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

Love those life lessons your kids teach you, I just posted a tribute post to my mom if you'd like to stop by and read it,

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Oh my word...your youngest daughter makes me giggle. I don't have any daughters but I'm betting if I had one, she'd be a lot like her. ;-)

Little Bishops said...

I love your blog!

I gave you an award!

Unplanned Cooking said...

Amazing how children bring you a new perspective. Can't wait to see what you do on Mother's Day.

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Love this!!!