
WFMW: Internet Safety Software/Apps

I love the Internet. We have a great relationship. It's completely taken the place of TV in my life -I probably watch about 30 minutes of Television a week. (There's just not much on that's good anymore!) I read all my news and keep current by getting online (yo, Twitter).

But, the Internet is not a safe place. It makes me sick, SICK to think of all the evil things online. And it makes me mad that the pornography sites not only want my attention, they go after it. They even try to entice my children.

If you don't have safety software, parental guidelines and restrictions or your computer in a high traffic place, you're being foolish. It's just a matter of time for this filth to invade your home and your child's mind.

Thank you for joining me for WFMW! {You can read the guidelines here.} Have a Works-For-Me Wednesday tip you'd like to share? I'd love for you to join us!

  1. Smockity Frocks-The Buddy System For Large Familie
  2. Baseball Treats
  3. Leslie (1 hour beans- no soak!)
  4. FishMama (Build a Diaper Basket)
  5. Coffee with Me (The Best of WFMW)
  6. How to Submit Your Site to Google, BloggingWithAmy
  7. The Meanest Momma (Summer Fun w/Little Ones in DC)
  8. Home renovation (ilovemy5kids)
  9. How to Buy Kids Clothes For Less Using eBay
  10. Getting Freedom (Cleaning Soap Scum)
  11. Delighting In His Richness -- quick sheet change
  12. Gen X Moms (Sting-Free wipes GIVEAWAY!)
  13. Lynns Kitchen Adventures (how to separate eggs)
  14. Julie From Inmates (Quick Dessert)
  15. Nikki (baby wipes in five minutes)
  16. Save Your Electronics @ Moneyless Mommas
  17. How to Save 50% off Dining Out in Chicagoland
  18. Raising Arrows {Color Coded Children}
  19. Heavenly Homemakers (Healthy Lemon Cupcakes!)
  20. The Diaper Diaries (Blogging Tip)
  21. Dress it up with a Scarf @ FashionCentsforMom
  22. Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet (No Travel Messes)
  23. My Secret Energy Boost from Amy @ Day in the Life
  24. Build a Better Budget: He Said, She Said
  25. Betty Homeschool Workboxes into Study Binders
  26. It Feels Like Chaos (recover patio cushions)
  27. Saving Dollars and Sense (Couponing & GIVEAWAY)!
  28. Impress Your Kids {Creative Organization for Kids}
  29. Kitchen Stewardship (CHEAP, non-toxic dishes!)
  30. Disney Pin Trading Tips
  31. Lifestyle Logic- restaurant. com
  32. TheFrugalGirls. com {How to Make Easy Freezer Jam!}
  33. FREE accent balls
  34. Tasty Garlicky Guacamole
  35. ElizabethG (Online Tools for the Disorganized)
  36. TheFrugalGirls. com {Homemade Maple Syrup Recipe!!}
  37. Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect (guest posting)
  38. ENHANCED WASTEBASKET- a little bit of everything
  39. My own personal Food Revolution
  40. Growing Up Gabel (Cleaning Plastic Storage Bags)
  41. Curlformers (Best hair tool) @ Amy Day in the Life
  42. momstheword (Easy Furniture repair tip)
  43. 7 Blogging Tips
  44. Simply Practical (help for a runny nose)
  45. easy FIRE stand @ dollar store
  46. skeleton key wall art
  47. mini dresser for ORBd
  48. monogrammed plate tutorial
  49. Cool and Creative TEACHER GIFTS @ MarytheKay
  50. How to Make Gluten-Free Pizza/Pie (Frugal Granola)
  51. Sandra @ A Lot of Savings(Ordering Bugs w/habitat)
  52. Cash only budget without the cash (Mama Says)
  53. Teacher Appreciation Week
  54. Easy Gum Removal
  55. Weird, Unsocialized HSers (Top Picks 7&8 grades)
  56. Rebecca at Turned Loose (Planning for Summer)
  57. Such The Spot - Age Appropriate Chores
  58. How to Set Summer Goals with Kids (FREE chart)
  59. Blog design/layout tips
  60. Tip for Packing a Compact and Organized Suitcase
  61. Rockin Deals
  62. Faux custom Bookshelf
  63. Safe, green, HOMEMADE deodorant
  64. Vintage Baby Shoe Pincushion giveaway
  65. Fun, easy, and inexpensive family birthday party
  66. Kayren {Storing Decorative Flags}
  67. Twin tips for moms of multiples. . . getting a shower
  68. How To Save Money On Your Ebay Listings
  69. Janna - Learning to Pray about Childrens Talents
  70. Amy @ Gospel Homemaking (clean up tips)
  71. GROCERY CART CHALLENGE (reuse wax milk cartons)
  72. Mama Jenn ~ No More Thumb-sucking!!!
  73. Tangled Zen - DIY foaming handsoap
  74. Wiping my babys bottom
  75. Easy Composting Bin - Gretchen @ Second Blooming
  76. Financial Update April. A Whole Lot Of Nothin
  77. watercolor pencils, NEAT! (Empty Handed)
  78. Kingdom First Mom (Getting inspired to cook!)
  79. Grateful for Grace(half off great stuff!)
  80. Crazy Adventures in Parenting
  81. Molly Green(Virtual Vendor Halls)
  82. Hair Bow Tutorial
  83. Encouragement for the Difficult Days
  84. STEALING (or being inspired by) THINGS!
  85. DrKim @ FamilyNatural (assigned dinner helpers)
  86. Persnickety Peacocks Garden Markers
  87. Getting ready to start school
  88. Menu Planning in Season (3 free downloads!)
  89. Family Stamping FOOD (How to cut Brownies)
  90. Natural Acne Cure (Melissa @ CI)
  91. How to Draw A ROSE
  92. A Busy Mom of Two (Decision Making)
  93. Annie Kate(Frugal Celebrations Including Weddings)
  94. Catching Cancellations @ the DR . . .
  95. Tara @ Feels Like Home (sausage nachos)
  96. Mari (making good use of your dishwasher)
  97. Like a Bubbling Brook {Feeling Overwhelmed}
  98. Easy-Peel Boiled Eggs (Cardamoms Pod)
  99. Parenting Miracles (shredded cheese)
  100. Painted Ceiling Fan @ Dittle Dattle
  101. Its come 2 this . . . (keeping a clean car)
  102. Stephanie (Menu Planning Simplified)
  103. Samples Anyone? @ Fiskerelli Bellies
  104. Stain Fighting Frugally- Penniless Parenting
  105. Penniless Parenting- Frugal Dates
  106. Alicias Homemaking--Quick Schedule
  107. Making the most of recipes gone wrong!
  108. Jenny @ Just Jennifer
  109. NeverBored - Freezing grapes (or leftovers)
  110. Jenny 867-5309 (Muffins old ladies want!)
  111. Does Your Home Have A Family Office Manager?
  112. Shelley @ MAHM (Seasonal Monthly Menu Planning)
  113. Tips for kids birthday parties that save money!
  114. How to make colorful frosting swirls for cupcakes!

  1. Song Of The Sagebrush: Convenient Wet/Dry Erase
  2. I Want to Get Out of Debt - NOW WHAT?
  3. Raising Olives - Be a Yes Mom
  4. Laundry tip for large family
  5. pennypinchinmomma(making a weekly plan)
  6. Ginny @ makeadiff21 (Wallpaper Woes-HELP!)
  7. The Frugal Frontier-Organizing RSS Feeds in Reader
  8. Adding vegetables to desserts!
  9. 144 Balloons @ HowDoesShe?
  10. Twinkilicious
  11. Photo Tips for Bloggers
  12. Please Knock. . . @ HowDoesShe?
  13. Eden @ MothersWhoKnow (Easy Mothers Day)
  14. Se7ens Great Australian Round-Up for Kids
  15. Getting Ahead (Using up leftovers)
  16. Homemade Baking Powder - Homemade Mamas
  17. Brain Cake - Homemade Mamas
  18. Health Home and Happiness (Challah and Sabbath)
  19. Super Easy Childs Apron
  20. OLbD- Blender Fail and smoothie recipe
  21. Compost Bin @ Newby At Home
  22. Easy plants for children to grow
  23. Staci @ teaching money to kids (skip counting)
  24. Homeschooling Hearts&Minds- Lighthouse Cake Tute
  25. Lindas Lunacy (Storing Fresh Beets)
  26. A Slob Comes Clean - Setting Up Your Garage Sale
  27. Feeding Four - free products
  28. ~~Easy & Cheap Jar Full Of Love Gift~~
  29. Michelle (Overnight Vegetable Stock)
  30. A Spindle Lamp Revamp. . . spraypaint!
  31. {Canvas Dropcloth Curtains}
  32. Sweet Surprises & I NEED YOUR IDEAS! {bakeat350}
  33. Saving Bits and Pieces - Pork Loin or Pork Chops
  34. Frugal Frontier--Things to do before going to bed
  35. Once A Month Mom (HELP! Pressure Cookers)
  36. My Daily Round: hand towels for little ones
  37. Elena @ My Domestic Church- coping with pain.
  38. Macaroni Improv: Chicken Bouillon for Quick Meals
  39. BlingedOutCupcakePicks @ SimplyRed
  40. Freeze Your Cheese! Frugality in the Hudson Valley
  41. Training Happy Hearts(new attitude & home org. )
  42. How to make *free* phone calls
  43. Recipes for Moms (20 Ways to Raise a Veggie Lover)
  44. Llama Momma (end of year teacher gifts)
  45. Menu Planning
  46. How To Dye Leather (furniture, shoes, belts)
  47. Homemade laundry soap(Moms got a glue gun)
  48. Under the Big Oak Tree (Garanimals Blocks)
  49. Bitterroot Mama (Family Traditions Book)
  50. Make waffles ahead for the week!
  51. Autumnfawn Lane (Out of Face Wash?)
  52. How to Line a Round Cake Pan (perfectly)
  53. BEST potluck salad, empty bowl every time!
  54. Happy Little Homemaker - Morning Sickness!
  55. Homemade Potato Chips in the MICROWAVE!
  56. DIY Floor Runner
  57. Sandwiched (Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky, OH)
  58. Remember When? (Smart Money Mom)
  59. SoHelpMe (KLOVE: Christian Radio Nationwide)
  60. The Gaines Gang {Doilie Tote How too}
  61. Avoiding the Fashion Police (Unintended Housewife)
  62. Kirstin: Cleaning Stainless steel pans
  63. Teaching the birds and the bees
  64. From The Trenches Of Motherhood - WhenLifeIsHard
  65. Breakfast theme idea: Elvis Waffles!
  66. Lisa @ Extraordinary Life (Swiffer Wet Cloths)
  67. DIY bookshelf @ Casa Haus
  68. The Fifth Street Palace Pop Bottle Watering System
  69. Dresser Before and After @ Black Kats Design
  70. Repurposing #7 Plastic Food Containers
  71. Marsha @ Taste and See (homemade brown sugar)
  72. OhThePlacesYoullGo - Cupcake/cake/cookie carrier
  73. Abbi @ Proverbs 31 Living (Childbirth)
  74. Planter @ junkblossoms
  75. Amyswandering (Printable Menu Planners)
  76. The Pickens @ frugalcrunchychristy
  77. Tami (cook once / serve twice works for me!)
  78. DIY furniture refinishing
  79. Live, Laugh, Love~ Mopping Floors
  81. Chocolate and flowers in one vase!
  82. Melissa @ To China and Back - Budget
  83. Mary Anns House(Bible Reading Plan)
  84. The Big Challenge @ My Dear Trash
  85. My Frugal Lifestyle {Make a Gardening Journal}
  86. annies home - unclog drain using household items
  87. The Crunchy Kitchen with Lentil Sloppy Joes
  88. Tips for The Girls, yep those girls
  89. Finding time to read @ 1crazyjourney. com
  90. Dark & Dreary to Bright & Beachy @ The Thriftress
  91. Just Say YES!
  92. make your own baby legs
  93. Odd Mom (Making Sushi with the Kids)
  94. Lori @ The Davidson Den: Baked Oatmeal Recipe
  95. Quitting Sugar: A personal journey
  96. Fun with Corrugated Cardboard squares
  97. Simply Sweet Home (spring wreath)
  98. PeacefulHome (dealing with picky eaters)
  99. Jill @ findfaithful/ Joining a Community Garden
  100. RedemptionUnlimited (Gift Ideas via Library Books)
  101. BackToBasics: Cornstarch @ con-tain-it
  102. GroovieMom - (FREE Summer Movies)
  103. Annie Kate (Free Virtual Homeschool Vendor Hall)
  104. Kim (Making the dishes fun. . . an App for that)
  105. Sassy Dress Shirt @ Potholes and Pantyhose
  106. Taras Faves - Why I give.
  107. Settee Makeover @ la maison LaFortune
  108. Surviving Vacation: PACKING TIPS!
  109. Jennifer @ McQuill-land (Fighting Kids Boredom!)
  110. 5 Days of Freeze-Ahead Lunches
  111. Homemade Butter - Learning to Live on Homemade!

  112. This linky list is now closed.


Julie From Inmates said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing those tips. I seriously need to check them out... Oh, and by the way, thanks for changing your comment section back to include the Name/URL option. It NEVER EVER EVER remembered my Google Account information and many times I'd click off without leaving a comment because I did not want to sign up yet again for an account that it wouldn't remember anyway!!!

Jennifer said...

Amen, Girl! We use BeSecure on our computers, and we love it. It's nice to have the safety net to catch the junkie sites (and even ads!) that we don't intentionally go to. When they come to us, they get blocked. This is INVALUABLE!

ohAmanda said...

We have SafeEyes and I love it! It has so many cool features---different limits for different users, time frames and more.

Thanks for the links to the other sites, too!

momstheword said...

Thank you for posting it. We have filters and I am so glad we do! Even our 21 year old has a filter on his computer (we installed it for him and he doesn't know the password).

It's just a way of giving him accountability. Our children were never allowed to use computers at someone else's house, unless they had a filter.

Thanks for hosting!

Michele @ Frugal Granola said...

We've been using SafeEyes for the past couple years, and it's been great! We have friends that use Covenant Eyes as well, and really recommend it.
Great WFMW! :)

Annie Kate said...

Great post!

We use K9 web protection, which was recommended by my sister who's used it for years. It's great.

We also put it on my 17yo dd's laptop and only I know the password. Of course, no one is allowed to use internet except in busy areas of our home.

Here's a link to K9:

Annie Kate

Jenny86753oh9 said...

The boys have been pretty good at staying on the sites that are 'favorited' for them, but recently I caught my 10yo clicking on links to other sites. We talked about the dangers of that, but it's definitely time for more security. Thanks for the list, Kristen!

Wander said...

Definitely a must! I hate that we have to do it.....but protecting my family is worth it!
Thanks for the links!

Is there a reason....why sometimes I click on WFMW and I can't see any links and then other's there?
Just wondering...what am I doing?
Does it disappear for other's too?
I know I'm sorta special and all...

Jeff said...

We use Besecure. We've been subscribers since way back when it was BeSafe. Hey wives and Mom's out there, can I make a suggestion? I think the best thing you can do for your husband is to keep the password to the content filtering program. Don't think for a second that any of us husbands/fathers is immune to the lure of the garbage on the net. If you have the password, it's just one more way you help us avoid the temptation.

Rocio @ Casa Haus said...

I barely think about those tools, and it's an excellent time to start checking it. Thanks for the advice!

LoveFeast Table said...

Thank you for this! We have xxx church accountability on our computers, but I now have two teen boys with wireless ipods...and we needed to find some apps!

Karrie said...

Just wondering, are any of these or are there any for free? At this time, I really can't spend the money. Wish I could, but can't. I have 2 boys who have to only go to the sites I approve, but as my 10 year old gets older he is really wanting to go on You tube and others that I can't trust.

Teena said...

Reading and enjoying. Always here and on twitter. I am so thankful that I found you. :)

I have exciting news.... but will share later. I know you will be happy.


Kristen said...

Hi Karrie-
I forgot to add this one that the above commenter mentioned:
We use it too -especially for the kids. It's very effective and FREE!

Kari said...

Thanks for the info it is great!

Karrie said...

Thank you, I will check it out this evening with my hubby!

Kimberly @ Raising Olives said...

Hi Kristen,

For some reason my link (#118 Raising Olives) is now going to an error page on my site(it was working initially, but is not now) Anyway, the proper URL is I don't know if this is something that you can fix or not, but wanted to let you know.
