My three year old is enthralled with Disney princesses like most little girls. My oldest and I are Cinderella fans. But my little one loves Ariel.
I don't know if it's her mermaid physique, the red hair or her seashell brassiere. But, she loves her (not so much the movie-it's still a bit scary, just the mermaid).
As a matter of fact, every time she sees a pile of rocks (these happen to be in my next door neighbor's yard), she runs and climbs up on them:

And starts singing "Awww ..... Ahhwaaaaaaa...AWWHHHAAAAA" (it gets louder and louder and more deafening and very out-of-tune!)

Until she clutches her throat and abruptly stops know, because she wants legs and her voice is stolen by the evil sea witch ...

Which always ends up being me.
"Momma, you be de sea witch. I be the princess."

Have y'all seen that witch? I hope sweet tea didn't do that to her girlish figure!
Who's your princess?
Happy weekend, y'all.

Hilarious! My girls (now age 5 & 6) just watched the actual Little Mermaid. They sat and watched it all the way through but now that they know the scary parts will run and hide during them...or ask us to fast!
So funny! I'm not a fan of Disney Princesses, although I do realize it is just a matter of time until my 15 month old daughter reals me in. Ariel is okay by me, though. I won't mind at all if my little red head takes a liking to her.
Ha! Roo is quite the mermaid fan, as well! :)
My daughter loves Sleeping Beauty. Me, I'm a Belle fan. I like her fiesty attitude.
I also have a daughter who is totally devoted to Ariel. My other two daughters switch back and forth between the other princesses. But, due to the one's devotion we have a HUGE collection of Ariel dolls!
I really don't like the Ariel movie - not a good message. But I realized that AFTER they had watched it a few times. Now we just have to discuss Ariel's 'bad choices' :)
That is so cute! And it reminds me of a funny story...
For high school graduation one of my friends' parents rented a beach house for my group of friends. We were all out at the beach and there were these rocks jutting out into the ocean and the waves were breaking on them. It was too much for us to resist, and we promptly ignored every instinct and parental warning we had ever had to go out to the edge of the jetties and pose on the rocks like Ariel. Well sure enough, a strong wave came and knocked one of my friends out and she cut her leg. I was the best swimmer, so I swam/carried her back to shore. She ended up needing 17 stitches. Turns out 18 year olds are just as impulsive as 3 year olds, only without the appropriate parental supervision. ;)
Thanks for the giggle. And for the record, my 16 yr old son loves that movie! I won't tell him I told you.
What is it with Disney princesses? I have two daughters (5 and 3) and my oldest could care less. She wouldn't even know they exist if it wasn't for her princess obsessed little sister. And we aren't sure how little sis was introduced to them to begin with. She knows all the stories, but has only seen the Cinderella (her favorite) and Snow White movies.
I loved the Little Mermaid and actually owned the movie (on VHS) until a year ago. When we moved, I tossed it. Now, I have a daughter who would almost give anything to see it!
We are a Disney household, but you're not calling them by the right names. My son refers to them as: sleeping girl one and two; the wolf movie; the fish girl movie, no Mom, not Nemo; the shoe movie; and, the one with the frogs.
And there you have the princess movie phenomenon through the eyes of a four year boy.
That is too cute! My daughter? Spent at least six months of this past year pulling a chunk of hair into her face and saying, "don't I look beautiful?" And then she would either push it behind her ear with her hand or blow it up and away from her face. I? Had absolutely! no! idea! what she was doing until it came to me one day like an epiphany... Mulan. Heh.
Oh my goodness! That's a hoot!
Haha! So funny! I just wrote a bit about this today. MY favorite princess is Belle. But my daughter loves Cinderella. LOVES her. Has to sleep with her, wear the Cinderella panties, watch the movie, read the book. Loves her.
I can't complain, though. Seeing her wear her pink crown and pink slippers and "Cinderella dance" with her daddy was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Haha!! Too cute!! I'm definitely partial to Belle. For some reason my little guy just cares about Spiderman!! haha!! =)
Hahaha, that is so cute! I actually remember when that movie came out. I was 6 and to this day it is still my favorite Disney movie. I use to reenact that same scene! lol. When I brought the movie for my little girl she must have been 3 and she loved it, and I got to watch her reenact that very scene about a thousand times! I think it's every girls favorite. So cute, thanks for bringing back the memories.
I just started reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge and in the first two chapters Stasi talks about WHY little girls AND women love movies and stories with princesses and stuff. It's a GREAT book...pick it up sometime if you haven't read it. Going by their definition of 'princess' I'm going to say that my favorite is Vivian from Pretty Woman (tho, I'm not a prostitute! LOL!)
I thought of you and your tea!!
my daughter loves any princess, she wants to be a princess all the time. She wants to wear dresses or skirts everywhere she goes. Thank goodness for skorts in the summer. :)
Both of my girls went through an extreme Ariel stage. Whenever I would take the younger one shopping, I had to avoid the lingerie department. If we got anywhere near it, she would shout "Mommy! They have blue seashells!! And orange! Don't you want to buy some orange seashells, Mommy?" Bras are still referred to as seashells in this household!
I found myself singing along... ahhhhaaahhahhaaa, aahahahahhaa....
Tiana, hands down! (based on looks) It was about time Disney came up with a truly dark skinned beauty!
Belle not only is she intelligent but, my partner is just as beasty as the beast, stinky and he's even as hairy!!
How cute! The Little Mermaid was always my favorite Disney movie. I just love Ariel.
I am a Snow White girl. And apparently my 4 yr old son is too. He asked me yesterday if he could eat his apple like Snow White instead of having it cut up.
LOL Don't we always end up being the bad characters?
I've always been a fan of Bell from Beauty and the Beast.
We just watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time tonight with my three year old girl and five year old boy. I think it is my favorite because the story line.
and what is up with all the Disney movies?? Where are the moms?? Does Walt Disney have mommy issues? think of his movies....hardly any moms.
My oldest (now 13) used to LOVE the little much that she did exactly what your daughter does...sing the part totally off-key and hold her throat at the appropriate time. Her little voice would crack when she tried hitting the high notes. Too funny! She used to sing the song that started out "I wanna be where the people are..." and got so good at it that she dressed as the little mermaid when she was 7 and performed the song at our local talent show. People went on and on at how good she was and I was so proud of her! Thanks for reminding me of those simpler times...she's becoming quite a litle teenager now and it's good to remember times before she became so teenager-ish! ;) Now...I've gotta go find that video of her talent show...
Very funny! Thanks for the giggle!
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