I have a friend. She lives in an amazing house. She has well behaved children and more than enough money for every need and want. Oh, and she's beautiful. And if all that isn't enough, she's a wonderful person, who gives to the poor, defends the weak, serves others. She has an amazing life.
I used to think it was better than mine.
You only have to be human.
[to continue reading, please visit (in)courage]
I commented on inCourage about how I have realized I was coveting a friend of mine in this way also. And my perfect friend was also once a Miss America finalist! But she often emails about how much she struggles in areas I don't, so God really does just make us all differently I guess.
I read inCourage every day - and always get so much out of them. But this one....man. Totally hit home. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you writing about this. I struggle with it every single day. Thanks for the reminder that God made us all unique and different, and we're all beautiful in our own way. Blessings to you~
I soooo needed that post! Thank you! I even linked to the (in)courage site from my blog. Really..thank you!
I needed that, today was my first time to incourage and so glad I went, I'll be back every day now. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
I have a friend like this but with in the last year her oldest son passed away from cancer he was almost 7 and their house burned down while they were away.Yes she is always smiling and cheerful. She and her husband are such great examples of how living for god is not always easy but the right thing to do..I really admire her for her strength. ID be in a nut house.. Yet she still manages to home school her 3 younger children.
perfect timing. I had been struggling with this topic this week. thanks for the reminder. I may be scatter-brained, high-energy, and whatever else, but I am as God made me. I am who He made me to be. I am strong. I am independent. I am blessed. . .And I thank you for your timely post!
This was a great post! I think I share that same friend with you!
Just yesterday, I was feeling very discouraged. I was looking around at some other blogs and I was thinking about how much I wanted to be like them, sound like them, look like them, take pictures like them...but, I can't. I just have to be me and sometimes just like in real life, bloggers lives make you feel a little envy too. It's that insecurity creeping up on ya and stealing your thunder. I hate that!
I don't really want to be THAT girl anyways! I am so much better at being THIS girl!
I saw this over at incourage, and just had to stop by because I could relate. I'm trying to stop the comparison game and just be me . . . and quit telling God He should have made me like HER. ;)
I'm planning on subscribing to you because I want to get to know you better!
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