My son has a gift.
He makes friends with the friendless. He seeks out the loner, the child who is different, the one who needs a friend.
The Principal of our elementary school actually awarded him for his compassion. At the time, I didn't know the story behind the honor.
He befriended a special needs boy and become his personal guide. The teachers were touched by his selfless act and honored him for it. I asked him about it the other day, "What is it about this boy that made you want to be his friend?"
"Well. He smiles all the time. He's always happy, but he learns different and is loud sometimes. He needed extra help and I'm good at that. Plus, I needed a friend too," he shrugged.
My oldest daughter said, "Does he have Downs Syndrome?" (One of her dearest friend's has Downs Syndrome).
"No," he said and scrunched up his face, a bit confused by his sister's question. "I think he has Up Syndrome. He's always happy."
[Please note: I took the opportunity to encourage my kids to continue to love and accept children with special needs. I believe this is a conversation every parent must have].
Syndrome or not, it doesn't matter, he saw a boy who needed a friend and knew that was something he was really good at.
My son has taught me about friendship. Everyone needs a friend and everyone can be a friend. Friendship is just one of the many life lessons, facing fears is another.
What have your kids taught you about life? (or what have you learned about friendship?)
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 258 of 258 Newer› Newest»I am constantly amazed by my eldest daughter's empathy and generosity. When she sees someone is upset or hurt, she will do what she can to help them, rather than sit tight in her comfort zone. She is a great problem solver and her mind is so open to new people, experiences, and joys.
When I see these traits reveal themselves in her, all the more frustrating times fall to the background, and I can just be in awe of the blessing it is to be a parent.
My kids have taught me compassion. They also seem to find the kids who march to a different beat and become friends with them.I love that they do not even seem to notice what others would consider different. They just love them for who they are. Thank you so much.
My kids have taught me to do what I tell them to do......OUCH! Good lesson though, sometimes we need the honesty of kids to point out our faults.
Your boy rocks!
I learned from our 4 year old that a good game of tag-ur-it (Tag) after dinner is great for burning off energy before bed!
My sons have taught me that no matter how stressful a day of work, there is nothing that a smile, squeal, and a drooly kiss can not cure. Instant stress reliever!
i once took a class for exceptional needs children. in that class each student had to write a paper sharing about a handicap they had. it is true, in one way or another, we all have handicaps.
at the time i wrote that my handicap was "keeping up with the joneses." 3 years later i married a jones. :-)
i try to teach that to my children; that we all have "special needs." try to grow in them love, value of others, and grace.
The most important thing I learned from being a parent is that I am not the most important person in the world. (Might have coincided with my age but who knows)
I love that! Our church sponsers respite care once a month. It was such a special moment to hear my older child describe (age 7) what we do and then just verbally shrug it off " ... you know, we just love people ... like Jesus did. It's our mission field."
What have we learned about friendship? Everyone has a bad day sometime. If our friend is having a bad day, we tell them we love them, give them space, and take up tomorrow like the bad day never happened.
I hope people think I have Up Syndrome too!
Great Giveaway!
My son has taught me to laugh more, to be silly, and to love deeper. He truly has a heart full of joy.
My children have taught me to find joy in the small things.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
You have touched my heart with this on a day it was so needed. Thank you for that!! I went on to read your link on fears. We are dealing with it with my 6 yr old son now and it has been a tough school year for all of us. Your post brightened my evening right up and was a good reminder that it will get better!! Thank you! Thank you!!
What have my children taught me about life? Together we have learned that we are all smarter, stronger, more resilient, and more compassionate than we may realize at first.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I want it. That's all. :) Karen
What an amazing, big-hearted little boy you have. He knows his gifting and is so confident in it! If only we could all be as such. He must be a huge blessing to you and others.
My little boy is only five months old... but he has already taught me so much about God's character. Being a mother to him is molding me more and more like Christ every day, and I'm so grateful for Rowan's little life and big smile.
Oh, I'm such a goober. I forgot to answer the question. :)
What DON'T my kids teach me? So thankful they teach me true friendship (until one says, "I'm not playing with you ever again.").
Many Wednesday blessings! -Karen
My children have taught to me to slow down and focus on one thing at a time (I'm still learning that art!)
My daughters have taught me to laugh ~ often.
What a precious story- you must be doing a LOT of things right!
My kids have taught me that the simple things in life and a simple life, are truly the most blessed!
Your son is amazing! I wish I was that Anti Shy.
My middle daughter is very outgoing and never meets a stranger. She goes to the nursing home with my mom to visit and has befriended many there. Recently, a person died and she was just heartbroken and cried over her 70 something year old friend. My youngest child is pretty friendly as well.
My children have taught me the depth of my depravity. They are my most loved possessions yet I can treat them with less love and respect than a stranger.
My two-yr-old has Down Syndrome. Although we knew it was a possibility from 20 weeks I thought b/c I was only 28 there was no way. I know I am forgiven, but I am haunted and humbled by many of the selfish, ungodly thoughts that went through my head when he was born. I cry when I read Job--who am I am to question what God has chosen for me?
I am due in 2 weeks with number 3. We have done no prenatal testing. Sometimes I am frightened what God might choose to teach me through this baby (extra chromosome or not).
How blessed am I to have heavenly father that is willing to love and teach me (even against my will)?!
What an example you have set. My sons are doing the same things. Such aa blessings these days with all the selfishness. Did anyone watch Oprah yesterday? I never do, but yesterday was a blessing with Chris Rock's wife.
I am so enjoying reading your blog. Blessings to you and your family.
My daughter has taught me to laugh with life. Sometimes I get so uptight with all the stresses of this life it is so great to be able to laugh with her when she out of the blue calls me "banana pants."
Amy VanHarten
What a sweetie your son is! :)
I recently blogged about my kids and one of the biggest lessons they have taught me: forgiveness
It is amazing how quickly kids forgive and forget!
We could all learn from him.
Rachel :)
My son, like yours, is incredibly tenderhearted. He is one of the few 17 year old "boys" I know that isn't afraid to show affection towards his mama. lol He still tells that he loves me, still hugs me with no reserve, and still cuddles up with me on the couch ... even in front of his friends. :)
My son has taught me that even though he has far outgrown me, and no matter how old he gets, he will always want me to be a part of his life. Most importantly, he has taught me that I don't have to fear "losing" my "baby". For that, I am eternally grateful! ♥
My kids have definitely taught me to go with the flow more and not stress about a schedule. They always have different plans than I do. They have also taught me about what it truly means to love unconditionally.
My daughter, who is only 2, has taught me to find joy in the little things. Seeing a toddler be so enamored with a piece of ribbon or a bubble floating in the air really makes you realize that lots of times, we go through life without appreciating all the small things around us.
Well I have 4 kids and each of them have taught me something different. Of those I have 2 special needs daughters ( one has down syndrome and the other has cerebral palsy). The one with cerebral palsy has taught me to face challenges head on. She can't walk very well without her canes or walker but she doesn't let that stop her from playing with the other neighborhood kids. My daughter with down syndrome has taught me to love unconditionally and everyone needs a hug.
My boys although they don't have special needs are special to me as well. My oldest son has taught me to be tough, even when life throws you curve balls like my daughter with down syndrome getting leukemia. He is always been very helpful and understanding.
My youngest son has taught me to be adventureus. To look at things it different ways.
Thanks for sharing about your son. It is so good to hear about kids that are excepting and see other children that may be different through the eyes or God where everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made.
katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
I'm hoping to teach my kids to be this compassionate.
My three year old made me laugh one day. She pointed to an Oriental man and said, "He looks just like daddy!" Her daddy is Caucasian, but the color and different facial features didn't even register with her. I love that kids don't see in color. That is one thing she has taught me lately.
Oh that is such a precious story. Your son definitely deserved to be honored. It's amazing what we can learn from our children!
my kids have taught me that everything i need can be found in my own home among my family.
I think my kids have taught me to question the world around me and enjoy it to its fullest.
bethelblomgren at hotmail dot com
I've learned from my kids that keeping the schedule isn't always that important. There are life lessons being learned and sometimes that is more important that getting everything checked off my list.
That's priceless! Very sweet
I pray that our little ones learn compassion and equality too.
I think the things my littles ones continue to teach me is the beauty and sweetness of simplicity and thankfulness. Also what it means to come before the Lord wholely and honestly.
That is so beautiful.. thank you for sharing that story. Your son has encouraged ME!!
my kids taught me about giving and compassion as well. I am known to make meals and give anything I can find in my home to help others. When a friends child was sick, my kids raced around to find toys and movies to give to that child so his hospital stay would be more tolerable.
Just when you think they don't hear a word you say,they prove to have such big giving hearts.
My friend lost her son last year, but that little guy gave my kids a chance to show their hearts and learn such a valuable lesson in helping others in life. For that, I'm thankful we knew them.
What a gift your son has...compassion. Compassion is such an amazing gift that parents need to nurture in all there children. Thank you for aharing your sons gift with us.
It's moments like that that encourage you that you are doing something right and that God is very gracious.
That has to be the greatest story I have heard all week. What a treasure of a boy, and obviously a great Mommy to teach him.
My kids have taught me to see the good in all people. Kids who I label as weird or disrespectful, my son calls friends. That has been wonderful for me to look past their shortcomings to see the good in all. (I am embarrassed to admit that, but its true! Kids rock!)
You have a wonderful blog... you leaving me grateful and pondering (sometimes laughing) with every post. Thanks!
Up syndrome I am totally going to remember that. What a sweet, sweet thing for him to say...and do!
I don't want the prize...just so you can take me out.
How wonderful is your son! I love the open mind that your children posses, that they see beyond what is in front of them. I can only hope that as my children grown they have that gift, that love for everyone.
I just found your blog. I loved reading that story about your son, what a great kid! I hope to teach my children to have that kind of compassion too!
what a great post!! Our kids seem to be great teachers!! I love what a learn from my kids - and I thought I knew it all!! My kids show me how to treasure life - family is so important!
My daughter was born with a heart that is sensitive to others. She is still a toddler, but this gift has shown through in her life daily as at a few months old she cried solely because another baby was crying and a couple of months ago started coming to my bed and snuggling with me each morning as I went through a miscarriage. I am excited to see how God uses this gift in her and how he shapes me in raising her as well.
what a proud moment and wayto go keeping the kiddos on the right track.
The innocence and beauty of children! I love it!
I'd also love to join the give-a-way!
What has my little one taught me about life? Gosh, in only 7 short months she's taught me so much.
Through her I have seen what real fear is--the kind that aches one's bones it grips so deeply. I have seen what it means to have this little fragile one hold so much of me and through this learned to trust God to take care of her. Perhaps this is the ultimate thing that I have and am learning from her. To trust God. Because I can't control her little life or body. I can't protect her from all the germs swarming around in this world and, even more so, from all the hurt and tears there is to be had here.
Perhaps this is the hardest thing for all mothers--to trust, that is. To give over the control that we so long to have over our little ones' lives.
This is what she is teaching me.
What a sweet post. I love how sensitive both of your kids were being. How do you teach that kind of sensitivity? Thanks for an uplifting post - and for a great giveaway!
You should be very proud of your son. What a wonderful testament to your parenting and the work of God in his heart.
Wow, another example of children teaching adults a thing or two. What a blessing your son must be. Congratulations on being a good parent!
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