
WFMW: A Tip for Moms

I don't know about you, but my life is hectic. (And that's after we've all but minimized after school activities and extracurricular events). I'd like to just unplug all the clocks and throw my watch out the window. Oh wait, that's called summer (and it's coming...wheee!!!)

I thought I'd share a quick Mom tip with you. It helps me manage the household duties: designate days. Pick a day for errands, one for laundry, another for cleaning the house. I even have two days for writing in bulk and Sunday afternoons are for grocery shopping.

Sticking to designated days really helps keep me from feeling overwhelmed and wanting to tackle everything (or nothing) all at once!

It works for me!

Thank you for joining me for WFMW! {You can read the guidelines here.} Have a Works-For-Me Wednesday tip you'd like to share? I'd love for you to join us!

  1. Nikki (Zapping Germs)
  2. How to Write a Killer About Page
  3. Smockity Frocks-Loading 7 Kids N a Van N<50 second
  4. HoosierHomemade{BlogFrog Community}
  5. Bulletin Boards - family info station!
  6. LifeasMOM - Mothers Day Dinner in the Freezer
  7. RobynOHSH{Eyedrops in Childs Eyes}
  8. This Side of Eternity(Percy Jackson Saves the Day)
  9. Lynns Kitchen Adventures -How to Cook Dried Bean
  10. Heavenly Homemakers (Homemade Frozen Hashbrowns!)
  11. Good Cheap Eats - How to Cut a Melon
  12. Kayren (Pillowcases That Fit)
  13. It Feels Like Chaos (one-on-one time)
  14. No room for a bedside table?
  15. Buying Garden Plants Before Planting Season
  16. A Spring Cleaning Tip That REALLY Works For Me!
  17. Amy @ Finer Things (Let them help!)
  18. Muses of Megret - Buttermilk Biscuits
  19. ElizabethG (Greening the Garbage)
  20. Homeschooling and What My Kids Arent Missing
  21. The Diaper Diaries (cleaning tip + GIVEAWAY)
  22. Coffee With Me (Saving Recipes)
  23. Amy @ Gospel Homemaking (vacuum cleaner uses)
  24. Janna - Stop losing Stuff -Use These
  25. Julie From Inmates (Bus Trip Games)
  26. Saving & Giving Build a Better Budget - Why Bother
  27. Kit. Redo-Marty @ A Stroll thru Life
  28. DIY Vintage Spoon to Keychain (and a giveaway!)
  29. Barb @ The Forever Neighbor
  30. Grow Your Own Birdhouse Gourds!
  31. iDreamofClean (Removing Dried Paint)
  32. The Lumberjacks Wife: Cleaning Tips
  33. Raising Arrows {Keeping a Pregnancy Journal}
  34. Grateful for Grace (easy birthday props)
  35. Kris @ Eclipsed (rationing fruit)
  36. Weird, Unsocialized HSers (3rd/4th grade picks)
  37. Recycled Wind Chimes - Homemade Mamas
  38. Tin Can Tea Lights - Homemade Mamas
  39. My Purple Brick Road (The Basket)
  40. Gen X Moms (Cooking for busy moms)
  41. How To Set Summer Goals With Your Children
  42. Free Recycling of Household Goods (Holiday-Haven)
  43. PRETTY VEGETABLES into Delicious Meals work for me
  44. A great way to save $$$ and Time (ilovemy5kidsa0
  45. Feminine Adventure--Homemade shampoo for oily hair
  46. Free 2 Be Frugal (Mamas, Think Ahead!)
  47. NerdFamily: Packing Lists
  48. Checbook Holders @ Robins Nests
  49. Amy @ A Day in the Life (Vinyl Chalkboard Menu)
  50. Call Me Laura Jane: Joy!
  51. The Saved Quarter - How I Saved $1, 100 in April
  52. GROCERY CART CHALLENGE (reuse dryer lint)
  53. Mama Says (Quick easy meal from pantry)
  54. Never-True Tales (Daily Bread)
  55. Marine Corps Nomads - Fun Kids Lunch
  56. House of Hepworths! Inspirational plate trio for $
  57. House of Hepworths! Wheatgrass tin decor
  58. House of Hepworths! Mini Mirror makeover
  59. A place for everything @ beautifulcraziness-
  60. Rachel @ T+E: recycled toy storage solution
  61. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting
  62. 10 Simple Mission Projects to do With Kids
  63. How to keep fresh cut flowers fresh(Empty Handed)
  64. Simply Sweet Home (chicken mutz)
  65. "Throw out 50 things" Challenge
  66. Inexpensive Wall Art @ Organize & Decorate
  67. Mrs. WrightGoneWrong (Why I e-mail myself!)
  68. Pretty Summer Toes TRICK!!! @ MarytheKay
  69. Homemade Miracle Grow Compost Tea
  70. mistie
  71. Countertop Fruit Fly Trap
  72. VIDEO: How to Make a Mothers Day Cupcake Bouquet
  73. Molly Green (Vacation Decor)
  74. Molly Green (Vacation Decor - for real this time!)
  75. Blogging OPSEC & Family Safety. What r u sharing?
  76. Junkyard Chair
  77. The Misadventures of Cheri - Saving $$ on shoes
  78. home with little onees-Hallelujah Good Time
  79. Adventures of an Island Mom--Check for the Dents!
  80. Lamp Shade Re-Do that you can do!
  81. Jen @ Moms Sharpening Moms (Celebration Plate)
  82. Se7en Easy Things That Make School More Fun…
  83. Premeditated Leftovers (Reusing Tissue Boxes)
  84. Having Guests- Frugally (Penniless Parenting)
  85. Alicias Homemaking--Switching the Laundry!
  87. Summer Writing Journal
  88. LABB (Create Blog Button & Code)
  89. Training Happy Hearts (pay-it-forward with books)
  90. Trying a New Routine @ Married To The Farm
  91. Irish by Marriage (Books While Driving)
  92. How to Build a Raised Garden Bed (Feels Like Home)
  93. Monica @ DailyDwelling (personalized coffee mug)
  94. Fiskerelli Bellies (Just A Minute)
  95. HEALTHY SNACKS TO GO *Kitchen Stewardship
  96. Easy Dry Laundry Soap Recipe
  97. Window Wall Art
  98. Mom24--Reducing Rivalry
  99. Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet (Reminder Notes)
  100. Gathering Coupons for Shopping-Couponomic Stimulus
  101. Girls in White Dresses/earring exchange for girls
  102. Parenting Miracles (Raising Good Eaters- final pt)
  103. Tea Time with Annie Kate (Tasty, Easy, Frugal Ham)
  104. Fixing hangnails/Songberries
  105. Extracurriculars
  106. Rolling Pin for Cellulite (Melissa @ CI)
  107. NeverBored (keep a dictionary handy)
  108. Jeni @ Peace & Carrots
  109. 15 Tips To Design Your Own Landscape and Save $$
  110. Lisette (a quick and green grocery shopping tip)
  111. ACrafty Escape (Flower Pot for Mom)
  112. Frugal Creativity - Garlicky Green Beans (recipe)
  113. $3. 12 Window Box @ HowDOesShe?
  114. Its NOT Mine! @ HowDoesShe?
  115. TidyMom (Texing Google)
  116. Plantable Flowers @ HowDoesShe?
  117. HouseofHills (Ziploc baggies for freezer cooking)
  118. The Gaines Gang {PEACEOut B-Day Party}
  119. Kaye (Help Infants Grasp Food)
  120. Make Your Own Bag Tags - CLEANMAMA
  121. Kathleen(Batman birthday party)
  122. Jenny 867-5309 (Furniture 4 Kids)
  123. Everyday Oatmeal Bread
  124. How to Make a Duct Tape Wallet
  125. KLee- tips for Google Reader
  126. Alicia- scheduling blog writing time
  127. Sandra- finding pictures for blog posts
  128. Take a break - Gone Fishin
  129. Frugal Frontier (Meal Planning for your Toddler!)

  1. Kristinas 3under4
  2. (THE BEST) Fresh Strawberry Pie!
  3. Homemade Laundry Detergent-Works and Smells Great!
  4. How to do a Triathlon at View From the Shoe
  5. Johnlyn (Order from Azure Standard)
  6. Titus 2 Homemaker (exercising regularly)
  7. How to Make a Diaper Cake (The Parsonage Family)
  8. Family Stamping FOOD ("Pick Your Battles")
  9. Feeding Four - Free Diapers!
  10. Erin @ LTC-Pearl Adorned Paper Blossoms
  11. Learning As They Grow - The Notebook
  12. MOM LOOP
  13. Save $$ DIY Foam Soap - Activity Mom
  14. Allergy Fixes (Unintended Housewife)
  15. DrKim @ FamilyNatural (homemade mixes)
  16. Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama (Allergy Diets)
  17. Rose @ Adventures In Savings (Cleaning out Coupons)
  18. CHORES FOR LITTLE ONES (the mommy on the bus)
  19. 9 months and beyond (taking a vacation day)
  20. Songbirdtiff- Window sill greenhouse (recycled!)
  21. Build a Floor Mirror, Fast & Cheap @ Remodelaholic
  22. Marsha @ Taste and See (vacation preparation)
  23. Cara (Basil Angeled Eggs- Nourishing and frugal!)
  24. Superchikk (Always Feel Like Your House Is Clean)
  25. Such The Spot - Crock Pot refried beans
  26. Frugal Follies - Thrifty Birthday Party Ideas
  27. Sunnymama (Non-Newtonian Slime)
  28. Making EXTRA Cookies {Bake at 350}
  29. silly eagle books: how I clean my books
  30. Becoming a more missional family(tiab)
  31. Trying my best to eat Local and Organic (Dee)
  32. Bead Board Photo Frame @ Love Stitched
  33. The Zucchini Project: Border Crops for Your Garden
  34. Ginny @ makeadiff21 (Kids and Money)
  35. Macaroni Improv: Phony Phried Rice
  36. Eden @ MothersWhoKnow (ER Bag)
  37. Easy pulled pork (tiab)
  38. Son up to Son Down (getting little ones to church)
  39. Car Roll UP
  40. Jute n Shell Napkin Rings. . . Jane @ FF
  41. Island Homemaker {Preventing bread dough collapse}
  42. Young Wifes Tale - Motivation for Dreaded Chores
  43. Mini Flylady Control Journal @ Diapers & Hair Dye
  44. (Brandi)Save Baby Girl Items For Future Play
  45. Christian Frugal Mama (Help!)
  46. Angela @ Simply Practical (veggies for toddlers)
  47. My Heart My Home (Italian Rice Bake)
  48. Nichole gets her stubborn child to take medicine!
  49. PREVENTING LOST BUTTONS a little bit of everything
  50. MillerMix (school uniforms)
  51. Crafting with kids tips and ideas
  52. If you cant do anything else today, do this. . .
  53. Kelli @ writing the waves (FREE Kids Workshops)
  54. Joanna @ keeping feet (Staying Hydrated)
  55. Lisa @ BlessedwithGrace(Potty training journey)
  56. Understanding Reg E Opt-In (Smart Money Mom)
  57. Fairy Bower
  58. Bitterroot Mama (One Hour Kitchen Curtains)
  59. DIY Bathroom Remodel
  60. Catherine @ Adventures In Domesticity
  61. Frugalhomekeeping ("Crowded House" Cucumber Salad
  62. Felt Flash Cards Tutorial @ Sew Much Ado
  63. Homeschool Workboxes in the Garden
  64. Abbi @ Proverbs 31 Living (Parenting philosophies)
  65. Pennies & Blessings - Conquering WP
  66. Frugal Frontier-Chores Your Toddler Can Help With!
  67. Beth @ Not a Bow in Sight (A Good Cry)
  68. Old Jeans to Denim Tassels w/Tute
  69. Make a Frame from Flower Bed Border
  70. How to Organize Blog Buttons
  71. annies home - road trip tips
  72. Simple cure for hiccups! (Heather)
  73. Frugal Twilight Party Decorations
  74. Mothers Day sign
  75. Green Heart Mom- (Pre-scooped ice cream)
  76. EASIEST and most appealing breakfast EVAH!
  77. Recipes for Moms (Jam Stripe Cookies)
  78. Tips for Moms of Twins. . . me series.
  79. Kids and Budgeting
  80. Indiana Shannon-how to eat hot breakfast every day
  81. Seashells By The Seashore Party (on a budget!)
  82. DIY Halloween Decor
  83. Homemade Whole Wheat bread
  84. "From Paris with Love" Adorable little girl party!
  85. Swivel Sweeper
  86. Babys 1st Birthday - LOTS of Pics! @ LilLifeOfMine
  87. Flower Magnets and Memo Board
  88. Re-do and a GIVEAWAY!
  89. Extreme Jewelry Organizer
  90. EnviroBecca: tip for toddlers throwing a ball
  91. Another table @ junkblossoms
  92. Adding Veggies to Recipes @ Blessings Overflowing
  93. Judy @ Frugal at Home (Online Earning)
  94. Sticky sticker situations
  95. Duklings at Camian Academy (Clean Kitchen Sink)
  96. Everything Moms (Losing the baby weight)
  97. My latest addiction from the little green bean
  98. Simplify Lunch and GIVEAWAY! (Maria D. )
  99. OLbD- Convenient Storage
  100. Holly @ A Mommys Blessings (I love labels!!)
  101. Mothers day gift for grandma
  102. Amy @ Tiny Blessings (free BlackBerry apps)
  103. Retro ruffle pillowcase dress @ Simply Modern Mom
  104. Kelli @ SustainingCreativity (DIY Party Bookmarks)
  105. It is OK to CHANGEYOURMIND!
  106. FreezingBerries @ ButterflyKissesnTastyDishes
  107. Lindas Lunacy (Kitchen Island)
  108. Taras Faves (Preserving My Produce)
  109. Penny Raine
  110. Ouch Relief @ frugalcrunchychristy
  111. Cheerios Underfoot-Cheap, easy organization ideas
  112. Amyswandering (A Ducky Little Game)
  113. Tanya - Blogger in Draft
  114. Tanyas Table - Jiffy Pizza Crust
  115. Elizabeth {hand painted canisters}
  116. Science Experiment Birthday Parties
  117. Inexpensive Summer Pajamas
  118. SAVE money for & on VACATION (Bora Bora pix)
  119. Container Gardening in the City
  120. Jenny @ Just Jennifer
  121. Paper Flower Arrangement TUTORIAL @ LittleMissMomma
  122. Fiddleheadin @ Marvelously Messy
  123. Welcome
  124. When I became a Mommy
  125. When I became, Mommy
  126. 2 are better than 1
  127. Little Girls - After Bath!
  128. MothersDay LOVE JAR * Kid
  129. Silver Birdfeeder

  130. This linky list is now closed.


RLR said...

I've done this with grocery shopping - Monday between my volunteer hour at school and my standing lunch date with a friend. Can't believe I didn't make the connection for laundry and other chores. Thanks!

HoosierHomemade said...

I used to always have chores on different days, I need to get back to that. I did start doing laundry on my Mon-Wed-Fri schedule this wk. I hope it helps :-)
Thanks for hosting!

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

Designated days is a wonderful idea! Because, quiet frankly, the bathroom keeps getting bumped further down on the list each week. {I hate cleaning the bathroom with a passion! But am thankful I have one.}

So, with your tip, we'll try this coming week with having a designated day for it. Can I also designate a person for the job {besides me}?

Amy said...

the weeks i use your tip, run so smoothly. why don't i do it more???
thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

That is something that I need to try to work on. I tend to just throw my week together as we go. Maybe if I had set days to do things, and learn to say "no" if it interferes with my schedule. I will have to try this. Thank you for hosting =)

My name is Kristie said...

As much as I hate a schedule, the truth is that they really work and make me much more efficient.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

I have some tasks that are done on specific days and other tasks that get done as needed. It give me the flexibility that I need.

Have a great week!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Designating days TOTALLY helps me, too. We're a lot alike, actually :)

LashyLashla said...

So simple, I cant believe i have never thought about it! I will be trying this next week.

Please check out the giveaway on my blog too

Alea Milham said...

I agree that designated days help me stay organized. Monday - grocery shopping, Tuesdays - Baking Day, etc.

I also have designated fun days in the summer, so that we don't arrive at the end of August and wonder how come we didn't do more fun activities in the summer. So Mondays are water days, Tuesdays are library days, etc.

Susannah said...

Yes, a great idea Kristen... I always do my chores on designated days. LOL, and that includes prepping blog posts. :~D

Maybe you'd like frosted cupcakes for Mother's Day? Learn how to make a floral bouquet over at my place...

Thanks for hosting!


e-Mom @ Susannah's {Kitchen} Aprons

MarytheKay said...

I really like your "designate days" tip. I somewhat try to do that... It's just the "cleaning day" always get pushed to the end, and somehow doesn't always happen! :-)

The Household 6 Diva said...

This is something that really works for me -- when I do it! *blush*

I used to keep a list on my stove - then I cleaned the stove and threw the paper away... really need to rewrite it down so I stick to it!

Thank you for the encouragement!
And for hosting!

Goat Gal said...

OK I am going to try this! I will get out my calendar and schedule!

Martianne said...

I have tried dedicating days - have even made beautiful checklists for each, which ususally work for me - but find that things just don't get done on their designated day and then, I feel guilty or get worried about "catch up". So, I am trying other ways. But, I know for some, day dedication is key -- Flylady followers seem to thrive on it in particular. I am glad it works for many and am still trying to figure out what works for me. :)

Jenny said...

Great tip! We need to get better at far grocery shopping is the only thing we have down pat.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Sometimes I feel like "Stop the merry-go-round! I want to get off!" I need to do more of this especially writing blogs in bulk, as I think it would definitely free up some time. Thank you for sharing and thank you so much for posting this meme each week! :D


Becky said...

Having activities devoted to certain days has saved my sanity for over 20 years! Monday is cleaning day, Tuesday is errand day, Wednesday is desk day, Thursday is "MY" day, and Friday is "do whatever didn't get done" day. And that really works for me.

TidyMom said...

Funny you mention this Kristen. I used to have a friend who wrote on her calendar what day she had to clean the kitchen, or wash sheets etc. I thought it as funny/odd...but now I'm starting to find myself wanting to do the same thing - I think if you designate a day for certain household tasks it may help ourselves stay ontop of them!!

Anonymous said...

I keep telling myself that I'm going to get back into the FlyLady habits once our floors are done.

For this week, I posted Everyday Oatmeal Bread. It is one of the few bread recipes I've tried lately that works for sandwich bread, as opposed to being more artisinal. It slices beautifully for sandwiches and toast!

Johnlyn said...

I love doing this as well. When I freak out though is when I don't get the chore done on that day! For example, I went to my daughter's track meet yesterday so I didn't get my Tuesday list done. It confuses me!

Mama Jessica said...

Thanks for this tip. I have done this in the past but for some reason stopped. It really does help get things done and I know I need to be a better manager of my home! In fact I am sitting here looking at a basket full of clean laundry that needs to be put away! Perhaps I should designate Wednesdays as laundry days ;)

Ktietje85 said...

I've done this, too. I do all my grocery shopping (typically) every other Friday. I have other "cleaning" days too, and I do most of my blogging on the weekend when my husband is watching the kids. Then I have a few small daily chores, like dishes, checking Twitter (ha), etc. It does work!

Tomorrow I am having a GAPS/allergy-friendly recipe carnival if anyone wants to come over and participate!

Amanda said...

I do that for certain things to! Friday morning is my grocery shopping day, I have to do laundry everyday, but bathrooms get cleaned on Tuesdays, etc. :)

bridget {bake at 350} said...

This is a great tip. I used to have a list of a few cleaning things to do everyday, but I think doing them all at once a couple times a weeks might work better. (Or you could just come over here while you have your cleaning stuff out? Trade ya for cookies?)

Anonymous said...

I do that, too. It makes life so much easier. If only I'd stick to it!

Ashley Pichea [] said...

I didn't post about this, but I thought I'd share it in the comments:

I HATE to clean. And it shows in my house. However, my husband likes a clean home, and has asked me to make cleaning a bigger priority. SOOO... I've started doing one cleaning task each morning before getting on the computer.

Right now, I have no "schedule" since SO much has been neglected for so long, I have a ton of choices.

Parts of my house that haven't been cleaned in over a year are seeing the light of day (after the dust/dirt is removed).

Setting the 'goal' of one task a day has helped to keep it from overwhelming me. And giving myself a 'deadline' has helped to get it done!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

I need to designate days, especially for writing in bulk. I think I need a time management intervention. Thanks for the tip!

justcallmerie said...

Kristen, does it not bother you that you shop on Sunday?

Or, maybe not even Sunday, but not one day devoted to a day of rest?

I mess up and shop on Sundays, also, but it is not a planned thing.

It bothers me that our world is raising a generation of children that see no day as holy.

Sunday, or Saturday, whichever it is for the person, should be set aside as seperate - different.

I love your blog, especially the refrigerator.

Jane Anne said...

This is a fantastic reminder. It helps to designate play days with your kids, too. I find that I tend to forget to make time for it because I am so busy. So, I make time for it when I designate one day a week as craft day or kitchen day with the kids.

SJL~ said...

Great idea! Starting next week, I'll literally at the ball fields EVERY single night of the week, so I really need to make my days easier.