Mrs. Abernathy, my junior high teacher, inspired the emerging writer in me when I was a young girl. She looked past my insecurities and believed in me.
I grew up and my writing dream faltered with the demands of jobs, a grown-up life and the joy and busyness of motherhood.
But I married a man who inspired the emerging writer in me. He looked past my insecurities and believed in me.
I've wanted to write a book since I was in the eighth grade.
It's finally happening (with the help of a great big God).
My devotional for moms will be on the shelves Spring of 2011!

P.S. Want to help me pick a few favorite blog posts for the book? Become a Facebook Fan and share your opinion!
WHOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I am sooooo excited for you!!!
So, will you autograph my copy? :P
Wow that is totally awesome!
yea! congratulations!
yeah girl! so awesome! can't wait to hear about this new journey as you write your book :)
Wow!!! That is AMAZING!!! I can't wait to read your book. Your blog is FANTASTIC!
Could not happen to a greater person. CONGRATS!!
Praise God! Big Congrats!!!
Still so happy for you! So proud! Hugs!
Congratulations! Signing a book deal is a huge accomplishment.
Best wishes,
Hollee Temple (manuscript due 6/1, sleeping very little:)
Congratulations!! That is so awesome!
Congratulations!! What a dream come true - you deserve it!
Congrats! That is fabulous news!
It's clear that you have been seeking Him and now Je is giving you the desires of your heart. Desires He put there. I'm so happy for you.
Very, very exciting! Congrats!
after you mention your family, you must dedicate the book to sweet tea!!!
WOOT!! Congrats so happy for you!!!
Yay for dreams and a God who's big enough to make them happen!
Congratulations, honey! That's SO exciting!
I can't wait for my copy!!!! I can say I knew you when ;)
That is so HUGE! Congratulations! Yay you!
mazel tov and congratulations!!
That's awesome!! Congrats!
Wonderful!!!! So great!
Yay, that's awesome!
I've been looking for a new devotional, too!! This will be perfect, I'm sure! Can't wait.
Get out of here! Congratulations!
WOOHOOOOO!! So, so, SO excited for you, for us! It's completely AMAZING to see God working through you and orchestrating all of this. Congrats, sweet and talented friend!
Can't wait to read it! I could use some devotional material right about now. ;)
Good for you and here's even less sleep! But maybe you can work around that?
WHOO HOO!! have been an inspiration and didn't give up. So thrilled that it's happening.
Congrats to you! Can't wait to hear more about it!
Dr. Dolly
It's been a long time coming and is so well deserved. Your voice should be heard in every medium. Congratulations, Kristen!
I am so excited for you! What a huge day this is for you. What an amazing year 2010 is turning out to be for you! God has truly gifted you and thank you for sharing that gift with us!
How exciting to be living your dream! So proud of you and in awe of what an awesome God we serve!!
OH WOW! Yay!! How amazing! What a blessing from God, congrats, Kristen! (And yes, you must mention sweet tea in there somewhere.) ;)
So awesome Kristen!!! Very happy for you and very excited to see what you do with it!
AWESOME!! :) Count me in for one copy.
WOW! Kristen that is AWESOME!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!! May many mama's be blessed by your work!
That is so great! Congratulations!
I am SO very excited for you!!!!
Can you tell I'm excited for you?!!!
that's wonderful! congratulations.
Congratulations Kristen! I know it will be inspiring. What a neighbourhood you live in, first Bridget announces she is doing a book and now you. Wonderful! Both of them better be available in Canada!
congrats!! that's awesome!! can't wait to see it!! God is good.
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm sure the books will be a splashing success! Can't wait to pre-order my copy!
EEEEEEEEE! (That was a really high pitched girl-squeal!) Awesome!
I can hardly wait to buy it & read it!
That is amazing!!! Congrats!!! I know it will be wonderful!
WOOOHOOOOO Kristen! God is awesome!!! Bring Him glory with this opportunity!!
SO thrilled for you!
so excited for you.....YEAH
Congrats! I'll be buying a copy!
congrats love we are all so proud of you!
Congratulations! I love how your teacher, husband, and God are all included in your happy news!
My dream is coming true for you! I can't wait to see how God works mine out!
Many, many congratulations. I'm not surprised in the least.
So happy for you (and jealous at the same that allowed)! I wanna write a book! Enjoy every minute!
How exciting. I can't wait to buy it.
That is GREAT news! I'll be first in line to buy (or preorder, as it may be!)
It couldn't happen to a better person!
how EXCITING! I can't wait!
And what a blessing to have such a supportive husband!
So happy the news it out now!!!!!!!!
Thrilled for you!
Yay! Yay! Yay!!! Congratulations!!!!!
I am so excited for you my friend! Can't wait to read it!
YAY!! Can't wait to read it! Love your blog and your unique, and quite humorous, writer's voice.
Incidentally, my junior high teacher drew out the writer in me too.
Before Mrs. Olfert, I had no idea I could write. She always told me I should write a book, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Way to go for you! God is so good!
Wow you gave me goose bumps! Can't wait to see this! :)
Congratulations! Very exciting!
How wonderful, Kristen. You are such an inspiration to so many of us. What an incredible year you have already had, and I know you give God all the glory. I truly believe that is why you are having such success. You give God the glory and acknowledge it all comes from Him. Woo hoo! You go girl! We can all say, "We knew you when..."
I think I remember you from the UBP party but, can't remember(sad case of mommy brain) but, a friend of mine became a fan of yours on FB and I followed.
I have been scrolling through your website, love it and LOVE your office!!!!! Wow! I might have to try that, we moved my office from upstairs to our kitchen area and it has been great but, hard to keep clean since it has become my family's dumping ground too! (check out photo at my website, lol)
Blessings to you and I can't wait to read more.
Liza The Outspoken Mom
What a mighty, creative, compassionate, awesome God we serve! Rejoicing with you, sweet friend!
Congratulations!! So proud for you!!
THRILLED for you!!! Hope you have some written because June 1 is fast approaching!
Congrats girl!!!
Congratulations Kristin! I'm so happy and excited for you! This will be wonderful!
Congratulations!! How exciting!!
Visiting from UBP10 and following. Hopefully you follow back and come visit us! We have a great party going on too, along with some giveaways!
Bravo! Congratulations!!!
wonderful! well done!
WOW! That's awesome! Congratulations! I can't wait to read it!
That is so awesome! Congratulations!!!
So exciting!!! Congratulations!!! =)
I'm a fairly newish blog reader of yours...and your writing has BLESSED ME many times! I am so happy you are pursuing a dream!!! Congratulations.
I look forward to holding your devotional book in my hands!
Wow! Congratulations. Way to achieve your dreams! :)
I have been gone a few monthes due to a big move and come back to read this. Congratulations it is awesome that you are finally able to make your dream come true. For a wonderful 8th grade teacher and an even better hubby that stuck by you and helped you over come your insecurities. I cant wait for your book.
Come check out my blog
LOVE the pic of you signing on the dotted line!!!
Woo-hoo!!! You deserve it! Boy, is THIS a big year for you, or what? It's only April, girl! Next, Reese Witherspoon will be playing you on the big screen. ;)
I know what I'm bringing to the book signing!
I began reading your blog because Debbie Franklin asked me to pray for you on your Kenya trip. I've often thought "this needs a book". I'm very happy for you! I know that God will use it to bring honor and glory to his name. Thanks for being willing to be His vessel, Kristen.
I'm so excited! What an incredible new branch of ministry and a cool chance to touch the lives of so many other women. What you do is such a blessing!
Shut up! That's awesome news!!! Put me on the autographed copy list!
Woo Hoo! Go, you! I am thrilled for you and can't wait to read the book!
Y'all have just made this good news ALL the more rich by your sweet support!
That my friend, is very exciting. :)
So happy for you!
Congratulations! Awesome news.
I'm excited!!!! YAY!
Oh this is SOOO awesome Kristen!! Congrats!!
This is so great, Kristen! So happy for you. Congratulations and God bless your writing. :)
Wow, you've been busy! Congratulations!
I'm late in hearing the news, but GOOD FOR YOU, KRISTEN!!!!!
I am just thrilled for your success! Hugs to you, my friend!
Congratulations! So exciting!
That is so exciting!! I can't wait to get a copy.
Love your blog so I am sure I'll enjoy your book as well!
Congrats. It takes courage to put it out there doesn't it?!?
I just read this - CONGRATULATIONS!!! What exciting news. That has always been a dream of mine, too. I should start sending manuscripts out again.
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