WARNING:: Graphic images below, animal lovers beware::
The park's featured presentation: watching deadly crocodiles eat baby goat fetus' at feeding time.

There is no punch line. Because I'm completely serious:

Hooves are tasty too:

Gagging optional.
I'm pretty sure I'll need therapy from all that blood fun.
Oh, and some detail on these pictures:
This was a hand-cranked ferris wheel that hadn't seen a safety inspection EVER. I had no plans of stepping near it, I was just going to watch my two sponsored kids ride together. But the man running the ride, pointed to me and said I had to get on to balance out the weight----wait for it---- of Brad Ruggles.
I may have been in a third-world country, but I set the record straight with the ferris wheel operator: DON'T COMPARE A WOMAN'S WEIGHT WITH THAT OF A MAN. He wasn't impressed. And I'm pretty sure he didn't speak English either. Whatever.
As soon as I sat down with Makena, the wobbly seat fell forward. The man grabbed my arms and placed them behind me and told me to hang on to back of the seat to balance out my own weight to keep from flipping forward. And that's when my life flashed before me.
That was also my cue to GET OFF said DEATH TRAP.
Three men pushed the ferris wheel around. It wasn't too bad on the way up.......

But at the top, as the wind swayed the entire ride, fear (and a bit of screaming) took over:
I survived. So did Brad Ruggles.
But not because I balanced his weight.
Oh.My.Word. You are one brave woman.......
Oh, I thought you were just being silly to entertain your little girl. I had no idea you were genuinely petrified! You handled it very well.
I don't like the safety tested ferris wheels of the US....I would have died on this African one!!
Yikes! Good thing we're looking at cute still photos, instead of the screaming video, hmm?
Oh my goodness! I can't believe that! I could never ride that Ferris Wheel! :) ha! So scary!
I'm so glad you survived...the crocodile AND the ferris wheel!
Yes...you are a brave woman getting on that Ferris Wheel! I would have definitely had a panic attack. lol!
I think this totally has to do with your previous post on courage. Sometimes we're called to walk on water, others we're called to ride a 3rd world, hand cranked ferris wheel.
I just have to say - I love your posts - so real!
Definitely an experience you will never forget!
Gagging was NOT optional! Hah!
Indeed, I am actually more grossed out by these photos than I was to see it in person. I mean, it was bad, but the SHOCK of what was happening prevented me from really believing it. But boy oh boy was it true. Wowsers.
Is it bad that seeing crocodiles eat goat fetuses makes me miss you? I do! And I do want to talk about pregnancy center idea stuff with you sometime, too.
Love you!!!!! But feel free to cease and desist with the goat fetus photos from here on out if you want:)
gross. ew.ew.ew.
...I can't even get on a normal ferris wheel with out freaking! Brave girl! =)
Now, now, Kristen. I saw the pictures where you could see the whole ferris wheel. It wasn't that high. You wouldn't have died. Only broken a few bones. Arm, leg, neck, and back bones come to mind :-).
Just kidding. I would have been petrified as well.
Tim@Families Again
Now that's just WRONG....on BOTH counts.:)
Were you singing "I will survive!" in your head??
LOL! that ride must have been an adventure. and as for the crocodile...i guess when you're in Kenya there is not much food to feed the animals. Circle of Life I guess.
I love that ferris wheel pic! I would have been the same way! Regular ferris wheels freak me out, much less old rickety ones in a third world country with no inspection laws.
But look at the smile on the girls face :) That must have helped... well, maybe now lol
Talk about a leap of faith! Wowsa! Gagging wouldn't of been an option if I had seen the crocodile thing in person. It would of been mandatory. ;)
It looks like you had quite the adventure. I think I would get just a little upset to my stomach if I watched that crocodile.
When I was in high school I bungeed jumped off a crane . . . in Mexico. Looking back I think that might have been a little crazy. But looking at you on that rusted ferris wheel pushed around by 3 men . . . the things we do for love.
I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying. Oh I don't know what's funnier - the Brad Ruggles comment or the having to hold on behind you....
God bless ya.
I was so hoping there was a great story behind THAT picture!
Love it!!
You. crack. me. up!
You are one brave mama! There is NO WAY I would have gotten on that thing!
Wow! You are so brave! The things we do for the kids we love, huh?
SUper Scary but a gave me a chuckle!
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