
In the Name of the Father, the Son and a Big Sister

I tossed my three year old girl in the tub with her ten year old big sister the other night.

(I asked permission from my oldest first...she still has a lot of little girl left in her and welcomed the toys. Oh, and I didn't actually toss my toddler).

They played and splashed and I went to the kitchen for just a minute, until I heard my youngest crying.

I hurried back in to my oldest BEAMING and my youngest sniffling.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Mom, guess what?" my oldest said in a very excited voice. "I helped her ask Jesus into her heart! She repeated a prayer after me!"

"Honey, that's great," I said, watching my toddler nod her head in agreement, with a giant tear rolling down her cheek. "But why is she crying?"

"Oh. Well, I also baptized her."

(No sprinkling here, people. Full immersion)

(And, later on my toddler told me "Baby Jesus gotted in my heart by my belly button". We don't split theological hairs here, either).


PS~Erin said...

Just giggled out loud. Wonderfully sweet.

Upstatemamma said...

That is AWESOME!! Oh and hysterically funny! But really truly awesome!

Anonymous said...

oh, that made me laugh. hilarious!!

Kristen @ Moms Sharpening Moms said...

Oh. My. Word...HILARIOUS!

Out of the mouths of babes!

Have a great week, Kristen!

Robin said...

I love it! How convenient that the conversation took place in the bathtub. Makes sense to me.

Kathy said...

Laughing. Seriously. Laughing.

So precious.

southerninspiration said...

Number one daughter is quite the opportunist!!! I laughed out loud, too!!! Cute.


Nicole @Team Pipkin said...

oh that is hilarious and cute all at the same time.

Chick Hatchers said...

Aren't these experiences just HEART-MELTING? My 4-yo has told me for a year now that Jesus lives in her tummy. Every now and then she'll tell me she wants him to come out so she can hug him! So, is your oldest considering being a missionary? It sounds like she's got a heart for it!

Southern Gal said...

Laughing quietly so I don't wake my kids. If they weren't asleep I'd be hooting and snorting!

Anonymous said...

One of the best lil' testimonies I've ever heard! Simply priceless.

Lauren Delaine said...

This was just the thing I needed tonight! Priceless!

TDM Wendy said...

That is hilarious. And precious. You might have to do a reenactment and video tape it. I'm sure you're 3 yr old would love that.

Kelly said...

This SO made me think of my own girls....something they would totally do. I just read it to my 12yr old and before I even got to the line, she smiled and said, "She baptized her." :) Because that's what SHE would have done. Love it. It'll be a memory they share forever.

Jennifer said...

I think I share just about every single one of your posts with my husband. Even he laughs out loud! :)

km said...

I laughed out loud...and wow...PTL! Another soul saved.

Catherine said...

When my son was four, he asked me how he could ask Jesus into his tummy. When he was about 9, he finally "got" it and was really baptized! What was going on between 4 and 9 between him and God, though, was pretty entertaining. I love the theology of children!

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

ROFL - that is AWESOME!!!!

Debbie said...

That is so cute :)

Unknown said...

So funny, I snorted. God bless!

sevenalstons said...

That is seriously the cutest story!

Kim said...

Too cute! Had me giggling out loud. One for the baby books for sure! said...

That is awesome!

TeamOSM said...

What a touching moment between sisters! And good for you...this is proof that you are leading your children down the right path. Confirmation that you're doing things right is awesome!!

Tina said...

I love Sounds like something that would happen here, too...

April said...

Very funny!!! Belly buttons are great for explaining all kinds of things. My 2 year old thinks that is where her little sister is going to come out. She also tries to tickle and talk to her little sister through my belly button too!

Two Minute Takes said...

Out of the mouths of babes! So cute, you should submit the story to Reader's Digest's "As Kids See It" section

nicole said...

Oh, how sweet! And funny. Big sister will for sure remember this day, whether or not little sister does. :)

Anonymous said...

If you're at all like me, you enjoy having some type of control around the family - especially concerning important things. So I'm guessing there was a bit of uneasiness on your part thinking "wait a minute, I didn't plan this out this way!". That's where I'd be. But, of course, then I'd laugh and thank God for reminding me HE is the one in control. And I'd be crying over my beautiful children's hearts. love your blog.

KC said...

I'm so touched by your story. And laughing too. Thanks for sharing it.

Rebecca said...

When I saw this on twitter, I laughed out loud and shared with my hubby. See twitter has a purpose. :)

Kris said...


Nicolette Stephens said...

Hey Kristen, I just wanted you to know i posted your post on my blog and linked to you. It was just too awesome not to share.

Anonymous said...

How sweet is that. And hilarious! Those make the best stories!

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

I'm sharing this too! it was just th laugh I needed - it's been a day!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add that I love the header with each of you holding the signs. Think it's my fave.

Ashley Pichea [] said...

Too funny! I remember many a bathtub baptismal in my youth!

Gussy Sews said...

This is great! so precious :]

Jennifer said...

that is the sweetest thing ever. Kids are the greatest.

Jar Full of Rocks said...

haha! LOVE IT!

Seizing My Day said...

hysterical!! and precious!!
I love kids!

My kids are terrified of baptism because of the lack of sprinkling!! I think it will be a long time before they take that step!! ha ha!

Maria said...

what a great story for years to come!! that is great!

Donna @ Way More Homemade said...

I love it. So sweet.

Laney said...

What a beautiful tribute to what is being taught in your home. :-)

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord for the sweetness of children!!!

grammy said...

Hi Sweetie, I don't comment here much...OK...I guess I am one of those stalkers (o: Just had to tell you how incredibly sweet that story is.
My 2 year old Granddaughter (who is 8 now) once told me Jesus was in her heart. She thought for a minute and got all 'Big Eyed'... and he can't get out. She indicated the snaps on her Jammies (o:

Aimee said...

What a cute story!

care-in said...

That is hysterically funny...maybe because I could see my oldest doing the same thing. I tried reading to my DH but couldn't stop laughing!

Laryssa Herbert said...

What a treasured time...and so funny!

Anonymous said...

LOL - great story. My son(who is now 13) did the same thing to his poor kitten a few years ago. He watched some youths from our church get baptized and I guess that got him thinking....after a few days of chatting on what baptism meant and how it was done, I put him in the tub for his nightly bath. Within minutes I hear this horrible screeching sound then see something FLY through my living room and the speed of light! Startled I ran into the bathroom to check on my then 7 year old child, whom I found calmly washing his feet. "What was that?" - Innocent son says "Our cat came to know Jesus, so I baptized him...." as if that were perfectly acceptable.....full immersion too, no lame sprinklers at my house!

Stacy said...

Thanks for sharing - this really made my day!

flowerpot said...

This is one of the BEST blog posts ... EVER. I must link to you. Tell your littlest, "Welcome to the kingdom!"

Chic Mama said...

How sweet and funny! Intentions, right?!

HuNnY aNd PoPpA LeWiS said...

Oh that was so sweet & hilarious all at the same time!! Your family is PRECIOUS!!

Sarah said...

Precious story! Your kids seem to make filling out a baby book quite pleasurable! :)

Christina said...

I saw this somewhere else and had to come tell you...just priceless. :)

Michelle said...

O my gosh! That is the funniest!

Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...


JMS said...

That is sensational. Especially the excitement of your older daughter and that fact that she understood the whole idea of baptism.

Wont it be funny if one day you are asked to write the preface in a Christian book she authors or introduce her as she speaks at a womens convention, and you can tell this story!

Julie in Australia

Unknown said...

Wonderful news - and hilarious too!

What a testimony your wee one will have to share when she is older!

PS when my youngest asked me to "pray the special prayer" I told my pastor who joked that "Now your work on earth is done - all your kids have asked the Lord into their hearts!" - I replied I hope not, I have lots more to give :)

Keowdie said...

I love this story; it made me giggle! And it's much better than the bathtime story I recently shared on my blog. Mine was a lot more gross, but maybe not so funny (in an adorable way!).

Veronica Boulden said...

Let me just say how much I love this blog. Pretty please come by mine and comment on something? You'd do me a great honor. ;) I love your posts, so short and sweet and pretty knee-slapping funny. Thanks.

Carmen said...

that is way tooo cute....Love it!