I met an orphan today.
I don't think I'll ever forget her face:
These beautiful children welcomed us today into the Compassion Child Sponsor Program about an hour outside of Nairobi. Their faces glowed as they sang and danced for us.
There are 3o3 children at this project who are helped by Compassion. They are fed a balanced meal weekly at the local Anglican church, educated, visited in their homes and watched over. Compassion steps in immediately if they see a child or their family become highly vulnerable.
I sat down on a bench and she scooted towards me. "What is your name?"
In perfect English, "My name is Susan. I am 12."
She looked at me. I mean, really, looked into my eyes with a question in hers and then she blurted out, "Can I touch your hair?"

Automatically, my hand found my gnarled curls. I haven't been blow drying my hair straight, so it's a bit wild and I thought she might be intrigued by The Crazy.
"Yes, you may touch my hair." She stood behind me and I felt her hands tangle in my hair. She smoothed it out, scrunched it up, all while lightly caressing it. (I wanted to say 'a little to the left' because it felt really good!)
She tried braiding my hair and after a few minutes she gave up saying, "I think something is wrong with your hair. I can't braid it." Oh Susan, you are a wise one.

She sat down again and I returned the favor, lightly touching her neat rows of perfectly braided her.

Again, her eyes found mine and she questioned, "Can I touch your skin? It is so white."
This time I could only nod as she gently touched my arms and
then my legs peeking out from my cropped pants.
"You are the first white woman I have touched," she said in an almost hushed voice.
[Dramatic pause because I almost cried]
"Would you like to see a picture of my children?" I asked.
"Oh, yes!" she said as I dug a photo from my backpack and the other children gathered around. "They are so beautiful. So white."

I told her that our next family picture would have another child,,, perhaps with skin like hers.
She placed her hand over mine.
Little did I know that Susan was one of the eight children deemed highly vulnerable by Compassion. She is an orphan.
But she is loved by her grandmother, a widow, raising her and three other orphans. Her grandmother is 66 years old, outliving the life expectancy of the average Kenyan woman by nearly two decades. When Compassion found her, the grandmother couldn't walk, was in extremely poor health due to the stress of raising four orphans on a widow's mite.

Compassion has made all the difference for this little family.

They have returned their dignity by aiding them in the most practical ways: improving their pathetic home into livable space, helping to grow a garden, providing job skills and money to start a business and so much more.

(the wall of her home)
I'd say there is more joy and contentment in their tiny home than in most of ours.
We packed up to leave and Susan caught my eye. We had already said our goodbyes, but she gave me the same questioning look. I nodded. She ran from the playground (funded by Compassion), and climbed into our van. She threw her arms around my neck.
We held one another. It was like she knew I would mother an orphan one day and understood that I needed one more hug. Or maybe she needed a hug from a mother.

Hot tears mixed with hot water as I washed away the dirt from the streets of Kenya back at our hotel. I couldn't erase away the feelings and the emotions of poverty and human suffering of such great magnitude.
But I don't think I'm supposed to.
But I don't think I'm supposed to.
I want to feel it all. I want my heart to break with what breaks the heart of God.

I'm asking you to give up a few fast food meals a month, to take a second look at your family budget, to sponsor a second child or a third. I'm asking you to give until it hurts.
Because it's in that place of being stretched that God will meet you and bless you. I believe He throws open the windows of Heaven and pours out more than we can handle when we care for the widows and the orphans.

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
I'm asking you to rescue a child from the grips of poverty.
Jesus says that is true religion.
Please, click here to see children waiting for a sponsor. Children just like Susan. There are twelve children from today's project needing a sponsor. They need you. I'd love for my friends and family and blog readers to sponsor all 12 of them.
Crying with you. Sending hugs and love, dear friend.
WOW! Awesome pictures and what a sweet amazing lil girl...
Words are escaping me, Kristen. What an amazing experience this is. I have tears rolling down my cheeks.
God bless you and them.
So beautiful. In tears. What those precious children teach us. Praying.
Oh man..
I dont even think I have words for what my heart is feeling.
Oh wow, what a moving post. Such great photos as well. Thanks for sharing.
thank you for this post. I pray it will touch and move many to not only sponsor a child or two but consider bringing one home to join their family. I have just returned from a trip similar to yours in Ethiopia and we are now praying about adding 2 boys to our brood... My Compassion child is in Kenya, East Meru. If you meet Luka Bahati Kinyua please tell him I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!
prayers are with you on your journey!!
No words. Just amazed by how God captures our hearts when we least expect it and through the smallest of things. Praying for you and your journey! You're never going to be the same!
I'm not sure I have ever commented on your blog but this post so very moved me and brought me to tears.
We just sent our first check this week to our sponsor child Baraka from Tanzania. We would have never known about Compassion had it not been from a blog like yours. What wonderful work you are doing. Prayers and blessings!
I can't find the section on Compassions website for these Highly Vulnerable Children. On the phone with someone now. They don't seem to have a way to find those specific children of which you wrote today. I would really love to sponsor one of the kiddos you wrote of.
The representative tells me we need the project# or each child's KE #.
I'm not sure if this is correct but in looking at the other posts by the Compassion Bloggers today:
Some of the others indicate they were at project 611 which would be KE611. So you might check to see if this one is near Narobi or maybe Kristen will comment and confirm. Hope this helps and God Bless!
Kristen draws first tears from Stephen on this trip. Down the cheeks even. My prayer on EVERY trip is exactly what you wrote, "I want my heart to break with what breaks the heart of God." Thank you for tearing your heart out and sharing it with us. I know that is a difficult thing to do and you do it beautifully.
Doing it! with my white children tonightt. can't wait to sit and read you post to them. Blessings on your journey!
That's beautiful! This is the month our family had already decided to sponsor a child from Compassion, but now you've given us more insight into this great need! Thank you! Love, Michelle
How random! I came through your blog through a blog I RSS to...and I sponsor a child at one of the Nairobi compassion groups! Winnie Mithouba - she's about 7 or 8. Thanks for your journey there!
Wow! Kristen, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. I feel like I'm right there. I'm praying for you!
WOW! Your words speak volumes!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I thank you most for bringing this to the attention of all of us. To see the reality and read it from another everyday human makes it real! Take care of yourself and keep the pictures and stories coming. They may rip my heart out and make me cry, but I am getting involved!
i'm filled with all kinds of emotions over your trip to Kenya. what a precious moment you experienced.
And if WE'RE weeping, how much more does God care for and weep over the orphans of the world. Thankfully they have a FATHER in Him and thankfully we can be His hands & feet here on earth!
Thank you, Kristin!
What you are doing is wonderful. If I had the means, I would give all my extra pennies, but we are on the state of poverty ourself, and I've already gave up the fastfood.
Thank you...Thank you... Thank you! I thank God that he has led me to your blog. I thank God that he has opened your heart to help so much. I thank God that he has touched me through reading your posts. I sponsor one girl now through World Vision (her name is Anastancia in Mozambique; she is 12). When I read about Susan, my heart about broke in two, the tears are holding at the edge of my eyes, but I am smiling. You are wonderful! I thank God for you! I will keep you and those we are seeing in my prayers.
May God continue to bless you.
Kristin, you have expressed in words that have been on my heart since I returned from Uganda several years ago. The Lord moved me in a way that I could never put into words and you did. Thank you. I will also pray that you never forget this experience.
Mixing my hot tears with everyone's too. Susan is beautiful and blessed. Thank you for sharing!
Bawling my eyeballs out. Thank you so much for this post. I'm jealous to know what you know. I can't wait to go - by the end of the year I hope.
God unravels us a bit, huh?
That was so beautifully written Kristen. We will never forget those children we met today, will we?
Awesome post!
This was beautiful. Thanks for making me pause to think today.
I have had a similar experience to yours only mine took place 5 years ago among the orphans of Guatemala. My heart was broken. My life forever changed. And today I celebrate the 8th birthday of my precious Maria...adopted from Guatemala 2 1/2 years ago. Blessings to you as you travel this path.
I don't want to diminish your talent, Kristen, because it is immense. But I sense God's handwriting in this piece. What a beautiful, almost holy story. May His words not return void. And may He bless your heart as it walks wounded and with joy.
And now the tears are spilling over as the children say, "Mama? Mama? What's the matter?"
So beautiful.
Thank you for taking us with you.
I am soul-hugging Susan in my own heart right now.
Thank you for taking us to the beautiful place of discomfort we are supposed to live.
And never leave.
Thank you.
--Sara Sophia
Great post! I leave for India in less than 8 weeks and cannot wait for this trip. The Lord has already begun to break my heart and I know He'll shatter it there. PTL for your transparency! Bless you, sweet child!
As I was reading today's post, all I could think of was how that could have been our sweet Berhanesh. How many people came before us to touch her and hug her, to show her the love of Jesus? The thought of someone loving on my baby is a priceless treasure. YOU were that treasure for Susan today. And, in turn, she was your blessing! When you get home and you look at B, I believe you will see a little bit of Susan. When you look at your own African child one day... you will see Susan. May we never, ever forget the faces of the forgotten. Love you-K
"I'd say there is more joy and contentment in their tiny home than in most of ours."
I'd say so.
Thank you for sharing so beautifully!
Hug one of those orphans for me...and tell them we are coming :)
Reading daily. Usually on my blackberry so not leaving many comments... keeping up on twitter. :)
Our compassion child is from Indonesia.... his name is Ucok. We have had him since 2007. I love the letters from him. I love watching him grow.... WE LOVE HIM. Maybe one day... I could meet him!!!! I want so desperately to sponsor another. We want to sponsor a girl .... I want to sponsor them for years and years... so I am praying that God would lead us.... we waste so much money on frivilous things....
reading to my 12 yr old... as she has such a heart for orphans and all....
Hugs..and praying for you.
Thank you for going with a heart open to His leading. Your words, your pictures, your heart are just precious. Praying for you and Jennifer specifically - and all the people who you will touch through your blog! Thank you for sharing!
WOWZERS!!! That was an AMAZING post.
I love these trips because I get reminded again, and again, and again why we sponsor a child (in India). I just sent him a letter the other day!
I say that Compassion helps to "send love through the mail." : )
Weeping with you.
Oh how I weep and the heart breaks and I love you for being brave enough to have your heart broken again and again. I love you for this story and love Susan for her courage. Wow. Bless her.
This. Oh.
The words you are writing with your life... they are better than even the luminous, striking words you are writing on the screen.
Keep writing with your eyes and your smile and your heart....
All, all my love,
Thank you.
I was just thinking this morning that I needed to speak to my hubby about doing something exactly like this. This has just motivated me even more.
I can imagine those little arms around my neck as I sit here with tears in my eyes.
Thank you.
tears - what a beautiful day!!
It's such an amazing experience to see what Compassion actually does. I am going to pray for you what the leader of my trip to Colombia with Compassion prayed for us.
I am praying that you and your entire crew will all be completely wrecked by what you experience. That your hearts and minds would be so moved that even when you come back to your regular lives that you would never be the same. I pray that you will all be the hands and feet of Jesus and that His love would emanate from you all.
I also pray that many children all over the world would come to have sponsors due to what you all experience.
Kristen, Susan is a beautiful child God loves her just as much as your sweet babies. What a beautiful post today. Dad & I are overwhelmed. We have sponsored two sweet children so far. Pray for us. Mom & Dad
I just wanted you to know that I linked back to your blog from mine after reading your post today. I'm hoping that your story will inspire some of my followers, like you insprired me!
I know that you're probably too busy to read other blogs, but if you ever get chance, stop on by! (www.oneblessedlady.com)
Ruined for the ordinary...
Weeping...I love your heart and that you are showing God's heart for the orphans.
Your posts have really touched me! My family just committed to sponsoring a little boy named Abraham in Kenya. He shares a birthday with one of my children. We are so excited to learn more about him.
Carol Smith
I look forward to every one of your posts. I am sharing them with my 16 year old daughter who just got back from Togo on Monday. She misses everything from Africa. Everything.
Continuing to lift you and the rest of the team up while you are there.
Beautifully written, Thank you for sharing!
At dinner my husband said he read your blog today and that it was a doozy. I said wash my face, and have a box of kleenex and he gave me a resounding yes. He was so right. Tears are staining my face.
This paragraph here:
"I want to do hard things. I'm asking you to get uncomfortable. I'm asking you to stretch further than you'd like. I'm asking you to do something hard, bigger than you imagined, greater than you planned."
Sums up what God is continuously laying on my heart. Breaking the mold that has been my life for the last nearly 35 years and remaking it into a broken, uncomfortable vessel.
Amazing! It is such a neat thing you are doing!
I remember how the sweet hands of the children from Nairobi would gently touch my hair. They would also ask to shake our hands and then look at their palms to see if the "white" had rubbed off. :-)
Thank you for taking this journey. It's changing more than just you.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you how amazing I thought your post was. All of us cried. It reminded me of my trip, and the children who laughed and touched my skin because I was a muzungu (white person), thank you for reminding me of the other side of the world who still needs help, I forget sometimes about my trip and how I felt, Thank you.
I just read this with my son. What a great journey you are on. Thinking of you!
Absolutely amazing! I read MckMama's and wasnt impressed and searched for another blog to follow while yall are in Kenya. I will be reading yours for the rest of the trip! Thank you for what you are doing.
Oh, that experience of having your heart cracked open for adoption, and knowing you will be the parent to an orphan, and loving on one with that knowledge. What an experience!
Thanks so much. I have a sponsored child, Monicah in Kenya and this made me feel closer to her, seeing your pictures and hearing your experiences. Thanks!
Your stories have made me weep over my selfishness and sinfulness. So many times a day I catch myself thinking about new clothes, or where I want to eat, or what new household item I want... it's all about me. I, too, have been to the poorest of poor places (Mexico) on several different mission trips and experienced what you are feeling. But too quickly it was compartmentalized into a section in my heart that is seldom opened or touched. You have inspired my husband and I to sponsor our first Compassion child, and I am sure you have done the same for others. Thanks for your sharing your feelings and what God is teaching you.
such a beautiful story. I pray that all of those children get sponsored and more.
thank you for sharing this.
I mostly read food blogs but I have to say you have a truly wonderful blog =) Thank you for sharing your heart and being such an encouragement to so many...
I'm a Compassion sponsor too, and actually now staff with Compassion Singapore, and your post really made me miss my trips to the field...
Thank you, these children are in my prayers today.
I don't know where you are in your journey, but I also pray that someone might reinvigorate your sense of purpose today the way you've done for me.
What a great work. I will keep watching and following.
Awesome Story! I am from Kenya and I know Susan. It is an amazing story. Her grandmather is an a mazing woman too.She thinks Sisan will be a Doctor or a Pilot.
I've heard of your blog before and maybe visited a handful of times but have been following you since you left (and have been reading He Said/She Said to my husband, been there, done that, saw Jesus resurrect my husband and my marriage). Thank you for every word and every picture.
I wanted to let you know that I have a terrible time getting your page to load. I'm not sure if it's because of the traffic you're getting. I don't have that with any other websites and usually if I reload 5 or 6 times it pops up. Just wanted to let you know.
My husband is praying about sponsoring a child, I'm already on board. I also want to encourage your readers, my husband and I made $15,000 last year and we have three children. If we can find an extra $38 a month, anyone can.
Been following your posts all week-- what a journey and thank you for sharing. I am so excited to begin a relationship with the child I sponsored-- hearing your stories made me realize how connected and real this sponsorship can really be-- so completely beyond charity in a "just donating money every month" way.
When I was in Kenya, I had the same experience (can i touch your hair, skin) with a girl on a bus. It was a beautiful moment of sharing and exploring with a stranger (but I found quickly kenyans don't stay strangers for long!)
Thank you for your trusting loving beautiful heart and for sharing it with us!
wow! tears filled my eyes as i read that! Thank you for sharing this with us! Oh what a precious girl!
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