
Happy New Year {Giveaway}

This giveaway has now ended. Winners will be announced soon!

I thought about posting my best posts and pictures of 2009 like so many other bloggers are doing.

But y'all. I didn't get out of my pajamas until 2:30 p.m. yesterday. I'm working the lazy this week.

So, I thought a giveaway (a great one at that) would be just as good!

These pictures have one thing in common.

Can you find it?

Hint: Follow the red arrows.

Some good guesses might pasty white skin, my love of denim and Disney...

(This has nothing to do with this post, but I have decided next time to actually watch my little girl open her presents on her birthday and to open my eyes during pictures. You could call them resolutions, if you will).

Answer: I'm wearing my favorite necklace from The Vintage Pearl.

It's the Eclectic Necklace. (I traded it for advertising months ago).

Here's a closer look, but I don't know who those children are:

eclectic necklace Product Image

It's a New Year. And The Vintage Pearl and I are starting it off with a bang and giving away TWO $50 gift certificates to TWO winners!!

I also love this bracelet:

circle of love bracelet Product Image
Erin of The Vintage Pearl is making one for me to review!

Leave a comment and tell me something you plan to do in the New Year!



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Amy Lynne said...

I think our biggest goal is to tighten up our budget so we can pay off as much debt as possible! I am looking forward to learning more about nutrition and cooking from scratch also!

Whitney said...

I have already started on one of my goals. I plan to exercise at least 30 minutes a day/ 5 days a week. My goal is to lose 22 pounds by April 1st.

Kylee said...

As always my plans for the new year is to finally lose this weight.

Jendi said...

Love on my baby baby as much as I can, get some rolls to rise and have my husband and self to bed by 10 at least once a week! Wish us luck!

Deeny said...

Attending my sisters wedding in July! Super excited.

Michele @ {Primp} said...

My new year's resolution every year is to lose weight, but this year I decided to focus more on being healthy, by serving and eating a fruit or vegetable at every meal and for snacks in between.

Jesica said...

I plan on spending less time at the computer and more time on my family!

C H R I S T I said...

In the New Year I would like to work on teaching my kids to live with necessities more so than wants. We have become way to materialistic in our house and I would like to change that. BTW, beautiful necklace!

Jessica Miller Kelley said...

Exercise, eat more vegetables, all the old standards... but I'm also going to try to be more positive in the new year... aggghh--and not let my toddler strew garbage all over the kitchen while I read blogs! gotta go!

Goodies for Mom said...

We are planning on adopting and I'd love to win this!!

Making Our Family Complete

Anonymous said...

In the new year, I'm keeping it simple: live more, love more and move more. This means that I'm going to find adventure in the every day, I'm going to take opportunities to love more (friends, family and yes, even enemies) and I'm going to move more - actively engage my body in activity: playing racquetball with a friend, playing outside with the kiddos...just MOVE.

Lisa @ Simplified Saving said...

The first big thing I'm doing in the New Year is reading through the Bible in 90 days! I'm totally stoked!

Anonymous said...

I just engaged on Christmas day so this next year I will be looking forward to growing my relationship and prepairing myself for a wonderful life with my fiance! oh and to lose weight too ;) Jordan J*

laura said...

i plan on having a baby!! due date's monday!!!
kyrie24 at gmail dot com

Janene said...

This year I plan to focus on my family. Having recently gone back to church, I want to incorporate more "Godliness" into our home. . .reading the bible, not watching so much tv, praying before bed, and generally trying to be more positive and patient.

Stacey said...

I plan on finishing a wool braided rug that I started 2 years ago!

Anonymous said...

I love her jewelry! I have 2 necklaces and have bought some as gifts. I plan to read 4 classics and have at least 3 child free dates with my husband. Not an easy task with a 4 year old and a breastfeeding 5 month old that refuses a bottle.

Laura said...

I plan to do a better job of keeping up with laundry and housework. That being said--it won't kill me if that doesn't happen as long as the family is happy and we're enjoying one another (and the undewear fairy comes regularly).

Tammy B said...

i am inherently lazy (see i can't even be bothered to capitalize). this year i'm going to work on cooking more. cleaning more. decorating more. sigh

Jenny said...

I want to focus on not spending so much. It doesn't matter how frugal I am when I blow it on a sale item at Lands End that I didn't need. I am also trying to lose weight and get into shape. Having 4 kiddos has not been kind to my body. I am hoping if I have muscle, the stretched out skin might hang better! Wishful thinking huh?

Oh and I love that jewelry.

Callieflower said...

I plan on taking a photography class so I don't have to pay someone else to take pictures anymore!

Deann said...

My plan is to re-visit my weekly meal plans and work in some healthier dishes. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Do a better job of planning our meals each week. Reading my Bible daily. Praying for my husband and kids daily.

Mrs. H said...

Hmmm... learn how to juggle two kids! (just had #2 this Nov).

Kelly said...

I plan to make one new meal or bake one new bread a week. I have tons of cookbooks gathering dust, so hopefully I can find some hidden treasures in them!

Kristi_runwatch said...

I'm planning to start working on my book! [screaming in terror]

Cathy said...

I'm resolving to be more creative - sewing, knitting, gardening and baking - and to be more mindful. 2009 seems to have passed in such a hurry and with my youngest starting school in Sept 2010 I want to cherish the time I have with her. Happy new year to you!

Melissa said...

This year I'm striving towards achieving my first 4.0 semester, setting up (and sticking to) a household budget for me and the kids, and finding joy in everything. (not sure what is going to be the hardest...)

Jaclyn said...

In 2010, I plan to read the bible in 90 days, focus on my family with shared bible study and make time for myself to work out so that I can lose 50lbs for health reasons.

Brooke McGlothlin said...

Love it love it. Could there every be anyway I could win with so many entries? I'll comment just in case.

I plan to be more disciplined in 2010. I used to be a very disciplined person but I lost that somewhere along the way of having children. That's the word I keep getting from the Lord as I pray so I'm jumping in with both feet!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Happy New Year, Kristen! I plan to be more "present" with my family...if I could *just* pry myself away from this darn twitter! ;)

Cathy said...

I'm resolving to be more creative - sewing, knitting, gardening and baking - and to be more mindful. 2009 seems to have passed in such a hurry and with my youngest starting school in Sept 2010 I want to cherish the time I have with her. Happy new year to you!

Kayren said...

I'm going to read the Bible in 90 Days, starting tomorrow.

Laura said...

I lost 40lbs after the birth of my daughter last year. This year I want to train to run a 5k this spring--startin small!

jayce04 said...

I hope to finally, for once, stick to my budget. I am hopeless I fear.
I checked out the jewelry....its great, I am thinking the grandchildren names for my mom, she would love it. Looks like I will have mothers day covered early this year!!!!

Lauren @ Team Giles said...

Um I love this giveaway... I about dropped my phone when I read it!

In the new year my newly husband & I are going to run our first Half-Marathon, and I hope to run my second in October for the womens Nike half-marathon. Fingers crossed!

Happy New Year! Have fun tonight :)

Lauren @ Team Giles said...

Um I love this giveaway... I about dropped my phone when I read it!

In the new year my newly husband & I are going to run our first Half-Marathon, and I hope to run my second in October for the womens Nike half-marathon. Fingers crossed!

Happy New Year! Have fun tonight :)

r said...

My goals for this year are:
#1 Find my passion and actively do something with it (whether it's taking a class or volunteering or even making a career change!)
#2 Work on being an Urban Homesteader so I'm ready to go when my partner and I move to the mountains (our long-term goal.)
#3 Be positive, happy and GRATEFUL for every single blessing I have - especially my two beautiful daughters!

Molly said...

I'm going to make family nights a priority again. I'm going to get my home life back into a routine!!!

tamara said...

this is perfect! one of my goals in the new year is to actually wear jewlelry. this from a girl that barely wears her wedding ring.


Penny said...

I am getting healthy this year!!

Carrie said...

I am planning on working on getting more fit...I am in SHAPE if you consider that a CIRCLE is a SHAPE, but I want to be able to have fun with my children and be more active...

nicole said...

Well, I suppose the most obvious and most likely is to birth this child currently growing inside me. I hope to be back to my pre-pregnancy fitness routine and run a half-marathon in December. And I imagine I'll work on being a better wife and mother too.

stacief said...

Weather the storm...its gonna be a rough year. I hope to keep being a good mom and wife.

Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae said...

We hope to bring home our baby from Uganda.

Mesha said...

I plan to enjoy my family, spend daily time in worship, and start exercising!

SmockLady said...

I take a large portion of December off from my blog each year. I'd really like to do more with my blog this year and learn how to work with me and for me a bit more this year. I mean, I have a blog for me, a place to write and share and build community (which got really hurt this year, stupid long story) but I want to get back to it. (I'll take any advice offered)

Kristi said...

Enjoy every day to the fullest. Our oldest daughter survived brain surgery only one month ago and she is thriving....our walking miracle...the very evidence that God still performs miracles today. So, my resolution is simple: I will choose daily to find joy in the journey and out of my thankful heart, I will live life to the fullest.

Robin said...

Wow, there's a lot of comments on here already. It's not looking good for me to win a fabulous necklace. Oh, well.
In 2010 I plan on celebrating my 40th birthday and my 20th wedding anniversary in a big way!

Heather said...

I hope to make a recipe book of my grandma's recipes to give out to family next Christmas.

Jackie said...

I am going to be meeting up with some dear friends home from Africa. I am sifting through 30 years of letters we have shared...back and forth...and I want to organize these old aerograms into a fun journal or something like that. Love the jewelry and hope for a chance to win. Happy New Year and thanks!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Happy New Year to you too!!!! And I would love to win.

Shara said...

I plan on exercising this year and getting into shape. Since I never actually make this resolution, I'd say I'm one step ahead this year. :)

jodi @ back40life said...

I plan to be more present with my children and to try to blog & cook more regularly! Love the necklace...gorgeous!

Unknown said...

My three big plans for the new year are:
1. take my kids to visit home (CA) 'cause we've been gone too long

2. increase the Baha'i teachings my children receive (and live more like a Baha'i)

3. make healthier meals for the family :)

Kate said...

I plan on having some great family photos taken. I want to master my crochet technique, and I've started keeping an "I'm thankful for" journal. Lovely jewelry, thanks for the giveaway :)

Erik and Amanda Hansen said...

We're reading through the Bible.

Unknown said...

Decisions, decisions! I love them both and I would probably have to flip a coin to decide! During the new year we are going to tackle a master bed/bath remodel which brings me to my resolution to really get a handle on my finances!

TamJo said...

Oh I love both of those! I plan on getting a LOT done to remodeling my house!

These Are The Days said...

Thanks for the chance to win. That jewlery is fab!

A few of my goals for this year...

1. Go on a different hike 1x a month.

2. Learn to sew.

I love New Years, Monday's and's all about starting fresh.

Anonymous said...

My goal for the new year is to do better...


Carla said...

I am planning on starting a 'read through the bible in a year' schedule and secretly, I'd love to start my own blog...

Unknown said...

love it! so so cute. This year I have a lot of dreams and plans!!! I want to spend more time with my family, less time worrying about what others think, give 100% to all I do, and eat more chocolate :)

Cindy said...

In 2010 I want to eat healthier and become more thrifty with my money. I would love to win this necklace.

Lorie said...

Get in more Bible time. I SO need to memorize God's Word to combat Satan when he comes knocking on my door (mind). Thanks for the chance to win.

akawest said...

I don't have any plans, unless you consider just being the same person I have always been, a plan.
Happy New Year!

~~~Alana~~~ said...

I chose 5 items in four areas to try to allow God to develop and mold me. Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Relationally. Its actually a big list... but I have a Big God and an open heart.

Jessica said...

My plans for the New Year are to study my Bible more regularly and to lose all this baby weight

dolphin lady said...

I am going to buy a house in 2010 and start to lose a little weight I have been wanting to lose - 20 lbs would be great!

Amanda said...

Happy New Year! And a Vintage Pearl giveaway is always an AMAZING giveaway!

2010 will be a big year for us! Hubby's shore duty is finishing up so we will be packing our bags for an upcoming move to Virginia!

Nicole @Team Pipkin said...

be more charitable & to get all my children involved.AND to make my etsy shop more "christian based", i'm giving it up to the Lord & he will provide.

Mary Beth said...

My new years resolution is to kiss and hug and cuddle my kids every chance I get.... By 2011, they might not let me!

Mallory's Mommy said...

we are going to buy a house!

Kristy K said...

To focus on enjoying my children more rather than making sure the house is clean, running errands, etc...

Kirsty said...

Love it! I plan to serve more. Happy New Year!

Hyperactive Lu said...

I plan to do the usual- read more, lose my latest's baby weight, study the Word more...

What a lovely contest! Thanks!

Helen said...

Lose weight - get fit - no more wine :( (and no more whine, either)

Vanessa Washburn said...

I plan to run a 5K. But this may be a bit overly ambitious.

Zimms Zoo said...

To help my husband with his desire to change his eating style. To finish our first year of junior high homeschooling. And to enjoy my kids more.

I want that necklace!

Tracy said...

This new year I plan to be more healthy. To exercise not as a means to lose weight, but for health. I'm hoping that will be good enough motivation!

Love the necklace!

justcallmerie said...

I know it's cliche, but lose weight.

Heidi said...

I have three goals for the New Year...I am going to take at least one picture a day, write on my blog more, and read my Bible every day.

Funky Food Trisha said...

I plan on going to bed as early as my boys will let me as my 12 week pregnant body needs sleep!

Anonymous said...

ACT. As in, so many times I think about doing things and never do them. Many times, I think about doing things so much that I think I've already done them, only to find out later that I didn't. So this year, I'm going to ACT. If I think I should do something, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it wholeheartedly - give of myself more than I've ever done. It's a challenge, for sure, but I'm tired of making excuses for myself and being a lazy butt.

Heather said...

In 2010 I really hope to slow down and enjoy my little ones even more! These pieces of jewelery are so cute!

jenbme said...

I would like to continue my saving money plan. Using coupons, getting things on sale, not buying things that are not needed, etc.

Thanks for the giveaway!

SarahJarnagin said...

I just had a baby yesterday so I am planning on losing some of this baby weight and learning how to be mommy to two kiddos.

Berji's domain said...

Have a baby! 1 month to go :)

Angie said...

My plans for the new year are to lose 50 lbs (or more!) and keep up with my household better (laundry, cleaning, etc.). Oh and hopefully I'll be ringing in the new year with my Dad because he will have beat lung cancer once and for all!


jenfink23 said...

Sleep more, and enjoy my children while they are young!

Mary Helene Toth said...

I plan to meet more people... we just moved from NC to MI in August and I still don't know my neighbors that well... so I'm enrolling my girls in ballet and swimming to meet more moms, and I hope to plan a summer street party!

Rebecca Shaw said...

I'm going to clean my house consistently....

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

I plan on being just a little bit better each year!!

ragamuffinbeauties said...

I turned THIRTY four days ago & will be revealing a Thirty for Thirty challenge for myself on my blog for the new year. I'm also celebrating my 10 YR Anniversary with the Hubs on a cruise. But, I'm most excited about reading the Bible in 90 days...starting TOMORROW! Woo Hoo!

Jen said...

Spend more time outside. Watch TV less. Make a date with my husband. Plant a garden. Start a business. Finish a bonus room. I have lots on my plate for 2010 and I LOVE IT!

MamaBB said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway - I LOVE Vintage Pearl and have had an eye on one of their family necklaces once our new baby is born in 2010 . . . My goal for 2010 is to be more present in everything I do - to stop always thinking about the next place I have to be or thing I have to do and just be in the moment.

Julie said...

My goals for 2010 include more reading and less eating.

Winston Manor said...

train for a marathon, complete a muddy buddy race, and daily devos with the matter what our schedule!

Carla said...

I'm going to take back control of my life that seems to have taken control of me. I'm going to pray for God's guidance and take back the things I can have control over.

Jill said...

My plan for 2010 is to catch up my scrapbooks. I've neglected them almost all year because I know I lost about 4 months of pictures when our computer crashed.
Tomorrow I'm scrapbooking with a I'm on the right path.

Celeste said...

I want to set some realistic goals to make a few family changes.

Gina said...

I plan to lose weight and trust God more...

Tonya said...

I've joined the "Bible in 90 Days" challenge.

Balancing Act said...

My plans are to buy more jewelry...right after I win this gift certificate!

everyday mom of one said...

I plan to win this giveaway and then show my necklace off to anyone that will look!!!

Johnlyn said...

In the new year I plan to enjoy my life! Laughing more would be a good start!

jennybek said...

I plan on slogging through until we can move out of this place we're in. Putting my head down now & slogging.

Bailey's Leaf said...

I plan on challenging myself to make a new meal item (one that I haven't previously made) once a week. I plan on doing other stuff too, like bathing the kid, getting a little sleep, lovin' on my people . . . I haven't gotten to the resolution thing yet. I was busy hitting the clearance racks at Target! :)

Jessica said...

my plan is to get fit and then get pregnant! woohoo!

Shana LaMar said...

I'm going to always try to assume the best in situations. I'm going to be more present with my kids and make more memories by showing them what life has to offer!


Aimee said...

I plan to spend more time with my family and less time organizing things for other people!

Happy New Year!

Melissa said...

I plan to enjoy these last months to the fullest before my oldest starts school in 2010. The days are fleeting, and I am enjoying every one!

Jennifer said...

I have three big goals for 2010:
1-read the entire bible
2-lose 35 pounds by 9/1/10
3-launch my photography business
Love your blog and newsletter! Happy New Year. ~Jennifer

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

In 2010, I'd like to stay in one home! :) We have been married for 4 1/2 years and have lived in 5 homes. We'd like to stay put for a little while this time! :)

Vicky said...

My goal for 2010 is to stick to an exercise routine and become strong! (i.e. get some muscles!)

Melissa said...

I love the necklace! I plan to really blog this year and not just pretend to blog. I would love to blog everyday or at least three times a week. I'm hoping I can follow through. Thinking about coming up with the some theme posts so I don't run out of things to blog about!

PS~Erin said...

I'm feeling so inspired... I haven't sat down and hashed out the specifics of my resolutions/goals yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I know I'm going to try to be focussed and keep things simple.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and for the inspiration this past year.

Amy said...

Take more time to create with my children. Love the necklace and bracelet, too!

Kelly Bell said...

I am excited to take my daughter Disney for the first time!

Cindy in PA said...

This New Year I'm planning on actively looking for a full time job. Also, I'm planning on carrying my New Year's Resolution continue being a card sender to encourage, pray for, and express sympathy to people who I see in need.
Happy New Year to you and your family!

inkelywinkely said...

I plan to be more patient..or atleast try. Being more spontaneous and not planning everything would probably help. LOL

The Carters said...

Love the jewelry! It would be perfect for me as baby #2 is due this year! My new years resolution is more family time in the evenings. I work full time and the evenings before my 2 1/2 year old go to bed seem to be consumed by housework, cooking dinner, etc. I want to spend more time doing family things together and work on the chores after my son is in bed. Thanks for doing the give-a-way!

Twinmomma+1 said...

2010 will be my 10 year high school reunion, so I plan on reconnecting with some old friends and hopefully not losing touch this time.

Rhona said...

Be more active.

rankin1997 said...

I am going to find time to excercise this year!

Danyelle said...

I am going to eat more vegetables, run in the race for the cure in October, and work on being a better me overall.

Angie said...

I just wanted to say that I stumbled upon your blog a short time ago and read the post about forgiveness and the challenges you and your husband have overcome in your marriage. It touched my heart, as my marriage has also struggled in the past. Only I was the one who had to ask for forgiveness. I believe God directed me to that post so that I could understand that every marriage struggles and that we can overcome our sins. You are a blessing and I just want to say thank you. God is using you to help so many people. Including me. God bless you and thank you.

Angie said...

Oops, forgot to give my "resolution". I plan on saving more money this year. (Well, then I saw the website with the cute necklaces....oh well.):)

Managed Chaos said...

I'll be striving to master life's elusive balancing act...that and losing a good 10-20 pounds.

M.E. said...

Great giveaway, enter me please!! In 2010 I'm going to exercise at least 3 times a week and actually use that treadmill that is gathering dust!

Angela said...

I am going to train for and run a half marathon in 2010 :-D EEEEEK

Diane said...

I plan to continue doing what I am doing being the best person/mom/wife/daughter I can be. I want to work out more and eat a bit healthier .


I plan to rest in the Lord and His provision for me, which is always adequate.

Rachel said...

Not really a "RESOLUTION," but I must do better organizing my receipts! I lost I don't know how much money because I could have turned in several rebates! I cannot find the receipts, so I can't get my money back and TODAY is the DEADLINE for postmarking on all of them! DANGIT!

Today I got a special accordian file for my rebate receipts, "try me free" forms, and satisfaction guarantees. I also bought one especially for car receipts (for car repairs, tires, and brake guarantees). Now that I have the tools, I have no more excuses!

Have a HAPPY, SAFE, and BLESSED New Year 2010!

coupongrabber (at)

A Charmed Life said...

woo-hoo! would love it! eat more oranges and fewer orange chips.

Beth said...

To be more patient!

Heather said...

On Rosh Hashannah, the Rabbi challenged us to all chose one thing we want to do more of this year. I chose patience. I need to be more patient, everyday, in all that I do. Haven't done such a great job yet, but thankfully every moment is a new chance to try!

Love the stuff you're giving away, so much so it prompted me to comment for the first time!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

I plan to run around hugging all my friends at Blissdom. :-)

Unknown said...

This year, I have several goals...
I plan to do a 365 scrapbook (1 photo each day for the year). I plan to run a 5K each month for the year with my sister and my 16yo son. I plan to get my small business up and running. And, I plan to focus on my family by setting aside a family and/or date night once a week. Big goals, I know, but important ones.

Heather said...

Try to save as much money as possible to stay at home with my four kids.

My other goal is to simplify. In everything to focus on God and my family.

Katie Lewis said...

Keep up with the laundry : ) Ha....

Katie Lewis

Peggy said...

I'm planning for 2010 to be The Year of Feeling Awesome. That plan includes switching to an 80% raw diet. I'm nervous but looking forward to it!

Carazy Mom said...

oh... a new year, so much promise, so many new things to do! 2009 pretty much sucked around here, so for starters, I'm just going to resolve to get my 2010 calendar filled in before I miss something important - like my birthday at the end of the month. Ha! On the big, pipe dream side of things, I want to start a blog. To write- to "use my degree" that I finally paid off last year! We'll see. Hopes are high, but Expectations are low.

Thanks for all you do for us in the blogosphere! Blessings on a great 2010!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

My plans for the New Year include GROWTH! Hopefully growth in the blogging world and growth in my personal life as I try to find a new path after losing my job. I am excited for 2010 and a new start!

Angela said...

I plan to lose weight and focus on saving money. At least it SHOULD be easy to meet the food budget!

Kristen said...

i LOVE that necklace and the bracelet.

for 2010: i want to shed 15-20 lbs, be more intentional in the time i spend with my kids, visit family/friends, be more consistent in our school time/day routine.

Amanda T said...

Be debt free!!!!

jessa said...

i'm going to try figure out a cleaning schedule and get this house looking nice!

Mary said...

Unless it happens in the next 5.5 hours, I plan on having a baby. And getting thin and toned ;)

Lynsey said...

I'm going to do lots of things next of which is take a cake decorating class. Maybe I can make all my kids' birthday cakes!!

Brandi said...

I hope to eat fewer bags of M&M's this year. ;)

ohAmanda said...

One thing I'd like to do this year...uhm, maybe sport a new Vintage Pearl necklace?

Cynthia said...

I'm planning to run 500 miles!

Mary B said...

Absolutely read more. Just ordered two Jane Austen books from Amazon. Listen more for the needs of others.

Nancy said...

Some things I plan to do in the new year: eat healthier, exercise, and lose weight!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Christine Dionne said...

This year I plan to constantly remind myself of my mantra of the year "renew". Its time for a change for the better

Unknown said...

Hi, I found your blog through Julie at Another Chance Ranch. I hope to become a better person next year, and take care of myself and my family the best that I can.


Spring said...

I have only one resolution this year: Play more. Play with my kids more, play my instruments more. I think if I can get that one right, a LOT of other things will fall into place. I'd love that pretty necklace with the names of those I want to play more with this year... my three precious kids and my hubby!

Susan Rodriguez said...

I plan to keep a blessing journal. We were so blessed this year and I thought I would remember all the blessings, but alas, I have forgotten some. I would love to start a new tradition of reading the blessing journal with our family on New Year's Eve.

Tracey said...

I plan to read the bible in 90 days...thanks to one of your tweets~I believe that's where I heard about the challenge. Thanks, K!

Erica said...

We are staying home tonight... with two little ones, that's our life right now! (I love it)

Jennifer, said...

My plans for 2010 are to become more intentional in our schooling and housework.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win something in the New Year! Also, I really want to start exercising regularly....

Beth (

Jessica said...

I am hoping to get fit. We got a Wii for Christmas and I plan to use it. (Do I have to take it out of the box?) :) I will.
I also like the necklace.

Kelly said...

I plan on being the best mom and wife I can be. :)

Kelly said...

I plan on being the best mom and wife I can be. :)

Michelle said...

I plan to develop a healthier lifestyle. As I'm not a spring chick anymore I really need to think `healthy`


care-in said...

I would say "exercise" "eat right" but...since you are giving away jewelry it reminds me that I really need to learn to accessorize more. I'm terrible at putting necklaces and bracelets with my wardrobe. Even my earrings are ho hum.

Julie said...

Yippee for 2010...working to bring our baby girl home from Ethiopia!

Elaine said...

What a great giveaway! In 2010,( can you believe it's already here?!?!), I plan to stick with an exercise/healthy eating plan to get healthy and give more of my time and commitment to community outreach programs in my church.

Betsie said...

I just found your blog and I LOVE it! How fortunate that I stumbled across this giveaway too, 'cause I love that store!

johnsonfamilyof6 said...

I plan on being more thankful for all our blessings :)

Jessica Young said...

Well, first off, I love the Vintage Pearl! I was introduced to it by you in another post and I have been drooling ever since! Thanks for leading me to it!

As for much is going on! My family will be moving 2,500 miles back to our home (CA). We will become full time missionaries and we just found out we will be having another baby! What a wonderful year of God's blessings!

Cheryl said...

I plan to focus more on gratitude this coming year.

Stephanie said...

I hope to be a better wife & mom this year! I want to grow in my walk with Christ and share His love with others.

Mommara said...

My plans for tonight are hangin out at home with the family. Nothing better I would rather do. :) This year we plan on *maybe* expanding the family. said...

Love the jewelry! This new year I plan to enjoy my children more and stress out about homeschooling less. :)

Katie said...

Something I want to do next year is be a more patient mom and be able to get my home decorated the way I want.

carriecaribou said...

Well, to be totally honest, my #1 goal is to lose weight. Additionally, I want to learn to be a better save time, money and stress. I want to be able to actually relax and spend time just enjoying my family. :)

lise said...

I love the necklace and bracelet. Your family is adorable! Happy New Year!
My goals are to be involved in my new church, get back to school and do more for my family and spend more time with our parents. Time is so very short and precious. My mom has cancer again but with God's grace will go into remission again.

Anonymous said...

Definitely plan to exercise more.

Cranky Cat Studio said...

I am planning on not getting arrested in 2010.
Not that I ever have been before, but I figure if I go with something really easy it won't get broken.

voodookitten@ tx dot rr dot com

Oh, and I'd really like to start my own blog this year! :)

Cherie said...

I ADORE her jewelry!!

I plan to create a schedule and STICK TO IT!

Tempest Ahoy said...

I'm focussing on one word for my 2010. LOVE.

That's my resolution.

Love for my family, God, myself; love for others, my body (fitness) and basically in everything I do I plan on asking myself, "Where is the love"?

Mel said...

Hmmmmm....go to bed earlier, stay off the computer a little more, and take more pictures of our life!

Mandy @ The Party of 3 said...

My goal for 2010 is to accept things that I can't change!

Love the necklace!!

Mercy said...

I plan on growing as the daughter of the King, as a wife,mom,daughter,friend, and human.

cynthia said...

what a gorgeous necklace and sweet bracelet!!

there are many things I want to do this year... be more positive overall - less nagging at my husband and kids, less complaining in general. Also, I want to be more prayerful in all aspects of my life. I pray now and am a Christian, but I hope to become even closer to the Lord.

Happy New Year to your family from "that family" :)

mertle said...

In 2010 a few of the things I hope to do are: start a savings account for NEXT Christmas; spend more time crafting; spend more time reading (NOT on the computer!); exercise more; be more positive; and be a better friend/sister/daughter/mother/wife/neighbor (not necessarily in that order!)

Carrie said...

Our family faced many challenges in 2009... so my plans for 2010 are simple....

To live life fully EVERY SINGLE DAY.

To appreciate my husband, my daughter and my son for the human beings that they are and that they are becoming.

To enjoy more than fret, to love more than hate, and to play more than stress.

I am really looking forward to it....

SavannahsSmiles said...

I want to read a Psalm and a Proverb every day for the next year.

Tales of Cheerios and Sleepless Nights said...

In 2010, I hope to finally find a way to feel OK about being a working mom. It's not by choice, so it's been a BIG struggle...and this is going to be the year that I stop feeling guilty about that fact.

Kim Sorensen said...

To stop caring what other people think....I stress about this 24 hours a day and its no use 1) who cares what I'm doing or not doing 2) and if they do care so badly they need to get a life. Happy New Year

Stacia said...

I LOVE those necklaces!!! This new year I plan on having a healthy new baby :) Figuring out the three kids routine and focus on being a better mommy, wife, and Christian above all. I think if you focus on the last one the other two fall right into place.

Nicole said...

I'm going to try to slow down and enjoy every precious day I have at home with my little girl.

Britta Ashers G'ma said...

I'm planning to get more involved with charities that help childhood cancer patients. My grandson was diagnosed with a malignant braintumor and will have to go out of state to get the treatment that he needs. We are relying on a lot of help from charities and organizations right now and because of the journey we are going thru with g'sons cancer i am determined to make a difference in 2010 and help families that face the same problems that we are going thru right now

DG said...

I plan on working hard to switch jobs. I need a job where I won't be bored to tears and crazily taken advantage of! So I am hopeful! :)


Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

I am going to spend more time in God's word in the new year.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to get more organized!! And hopefully in the process I will also have a little more structure/order to my house!
Thanks for a great giveaway.

Mel said...

I plan to quit smoking for my kids and myself

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