
Have You Met So and So?

On a whim, I added The BlogFrog to my sidebar. I love the idea of a forum on my blog where we can talk. I answer a lot of the same emails and tell so and so what so and so said about a certain DIY project or a potty training resource.

So. Now all my so and so's can get together in one place.

It's all very high tech. 

But obviously easy enough for this Internet-wizard to figure out. If you link to my blog, you're already a member. If not, it's easy to join.

We are THAT family Community

Have a burning question about the yellow leaves on your strawberry and bean plants? (oh, wait, that's me) or a plea for help in keeping your toddler in bed (again, me), then click on the We are THAT family Community link to start a discussion. You can also answer other people's questions (like mine!!)

I'll pop on regularly too, but I think it will be a fun place to dish. 

Ya know, with so and so.


Unknown said...

YOU are a wonderful writer! Thanks for blogging about TheBlogFrog and I look forward to being a part of your community!