Welcome, fellow party people! I'm glad you're here. This is my third Ultimate Blog Party hosted by the sisters over at 5 Minutes for Mom!
It's a fantastic way to meet other bloggers and introduce yourselves to them. (If you already read my blog, you might just want skip on down to the part where I give away a $50 Amazon gift card) OR you can join the party by linking your post here!
A bit about me:
I've written 28 posts on Why I Love My Hubby.
I host weekly giveaways (leave a comment on this post and you might win a $50 Amazon gift card! Subscribe and give yourself an extra entry!)
I dressed like a cow to win a year of sweet tea and vlogged to tell about it:
I like do it yourself projects (which also means I'm cheap):
But this year, I'm focusing on projects for others!
I host a fun, weekly carnival called Works for Me Wednesday-it's a great place to find hundreds of helpful tips!

About THAT Family:
About my Faith:
About my trip to Africa
with Compassion International last month:
Leave a comment introducing your blog (or yourself if you're not a blogger) to be entered!
Hi! My name is Suzanne and I've just started reading your blog. I love how open and honest you are with your marriage, family, faith, etc. I really liked following your trip to Africa! Cherlin, our Compassion child, lives in Haiti but we haven't heard yet if he is still alive... :( It'd be an incredible experience to actually meet him someday! Well, I just wanted to tell you how much I've appreciated your blog! Take care and God bless!
Hi there! I've been blogging for about four years. I started as a way to interact with friends who were also bloggiing, but they have wandered off on their blogs, and so just a few weeks ago, I decided to go on a journey for imaginary friends who DO still blog, and love it, and discovered all these great blogs, like yours where you can share, and gather great ideas! I'm an avid crafter, who crafts daily so I can avoid being an avid cleaner. ;o) I look forward to following along your journey, and getting to know you better.
I am new to your blog as well (Got sucked in by the conspirators in the U.S. government. just kidding-it was the compassion trip.)
I just did my post. I would like you to come to my party. I am serving chocolate chip cookies and sweet tea.
I've been blogging for a couple years. I love it, and wish I could do it all day. I also love to blog hop (obviously!). I'm a reader, writer, quilter, and mom to three teenagers (but I'm only 37). Oh - and my oldest is getting married on the 24th. Crazy, I know. ;)
Love your blog, and I'm getting to where I stop in more and more.
Hi Kristen, I am a daily visitor here at THAT family. Over on my blog, From Inmates To Playdates, I dish out a daily dose of crazy, and yes, before you ask, there is plenty to go around! =) I'd love for you to visit sometime. Oh, and super great giveaway!
Hi my name is Joni (this is sounding very AA!) and my blog is all about remembering that to God, everyone matters. I found myself so caught up in my life as a mum, wife, friend, daughter that I had nothing left to give the rest of the world. Actually, I chose NOT to even hear about what was going on out there - I couldn't handle even hearing about it. Gradually God injected some metephorical 'balls' (can you say that??) and I toughened up a bit. Being a mother of three very young children I've accepted that I can't travel around the world and see it for myself - yet. But I can tell those in my world what's going on out there and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to play their part in God's huge puzzle.
So that's me, and my blog is http://every1matters.wordpress.com
Thanks for your awesome blog Kristen - I especially enjoyed your Compassion trip to Africa series. xo
Okay you convinced me to join the party.
Can you believe I was nervous to attend an online party? I better get writing!
I've enjoyed your blog for sometime.
YAY! This is my 2nd UBP (I was late to the game last year).
You do some great things with your blog! Thanks for sharing!
Hi, my name is Britta. I'm originally from Germany but have lived in the States for 22 years now. I read your blog everyday and wished I could write as well as you do. I started a blog last year about saving money but abandoned the blog in October when my grandson was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor when he was 11 months old. I started a blog for him to record his journey and raise awareness about pediatric cancer and brain tumors. My blog is http://aprayerforasher.blogspot.com
Love your blog!
Hi, I'm Linsay aka Mommie of 4 Munchkins. I am a WAHM, crafty knitting, sewing, building gal who is inspired greatly by Kristen and her family! I am also 3 Day Walker who has a passion for pink, each year I walk 60 miles in hopes to find a cure for Breast Cancer. I am an Etsyian, a mom, a wife and a friend. Can't wait to see what the rest of this year brings to this blog, it has been a blessing in my life for sure!
I'm Jessica - have a blog but don't post regularly - but I do keep up with several blogs written by others.
I would love to win the amazon card! I also dressed like a cow to get free Chick-Fil-A
Hi! I'm Jessie from Vanderbilt Wife and I talk about being a really awful housekeeper, which is kind of like having a crazy family, right? I also have a very wild toddler, share recipes, and talk about faith. A lot.
Hi! I'm Meg from Muses of Megret. I participate in Works for Me Wed. quite often. I've been blogging for six years at http://www.musesofmegret.com
LOVED your posts on your Africa trip, by the way. Inspiring and eye-opening.
Thanks for the chance to win!
This is the first time that I have left a comment on your blog. I've been following you on twitter. I really admire your posts and I'm cheap too, very cheap
Well this is my 3rd party too..I think I found u first 3years ago and well I love Works for Me Wednesdays!
I am a mom who works from home and has a tween daughter.
What a great blog you have :)
Love your blog and I'm just stopping by to say "hi"! Can't wait to meet you @ Relevant!! =)
I haven't read every post you have...yet...but I am working on it. Yours is one of the first I found one year ago but I have kept mostly silent except now and then when we twitter. I loved your honesty before you went to Africa but now I love your inspiration to me and to others. Thank you for going to Africa and thank you for sharing your heart with us and with the people of Africa. Your friend, @faithfamilyfibr
I'm Mandie, a girl, a wife, and an aspiring photographer and seamstress(kinda- I just like to sew!). My blog is just about me and my hubby and my ventures in creativity. There are lots of photos and silliness.
I am also a Christian and a mother of a 10 year old son. It is great getting to read about other womens' lives.
"This is Laurie. She has FOUR boys!" That's how people introduce me. It's my subtitle and I often wonder if and when it will change.
I was aware of your blog when WFMW moved over here, but I have really been a daily reader since your Africa postings.
I'm bringing my men to Africa someday. I am.
I just read your "homeschool" post below and I couldn't agree more. Although I do home school our children right now, it may not always be the case and I have so much respect for the way you approach parenting.
Also, thank you for your transparency about your marriage. It was such an encouragement.
My name is Shannon and I'm a SAHM to 8 month old GG. I blog about the diapers, drool, and drama that comes along with being first time parents. This is my first UBP and I'm looking forward to "meeting" many new bloggy buddies! Happy Friday!
Hi! I am Kathleen, mom to 4, violinist, and farm-wife! How's that for hodge-podge? I blog over at http://southforte.blogspot.com, and would love to have folks visit.
I really enjoyed the Compassion series, Kristin! You have a really fun blog.
Hi Kristen!
I've been blogging for exactly four months. Definitely a rookie who doesn't know what HTML does. But no matter - I've figured out how to bug you in the comment section. :)
Thanks for all the great inspiration and laughs. Both are crucial to us moms. As is Jesus. Thank you for letting Him use you.
Resting in Him,
Hey there! Jenn from Jar Full of Rocks here. I just started life blogging about 3 weeks ago and I LOVE it! In it I talk about life and kids and what I've learned about God FROM my kids and about some really neat-o upcoming events in my life.
Hi, I'm Cathy and I never know what to say for these things.:)
I love Jesus!
There...that covers it.
Nice to meet you. I'm from UBP10 hope you come by and follow me back.
Hi I'm Claire (or Wenchie, I respond to both) and I've been hanging around the internet since 1993, and recipe blogging in particular since the beginning of February (it feels like longer :)) - I post a minimum of two recipes a week, but if that's a little quiet for ya I almost never shut up on my twitter feed ;).
I started reading your blog around when you were visiting Africa, and I wish I'd commented more then - I literally cried at some of your posts. I have, however made the effort to pull all my household expenditure into order to start sponsoring a child as soon as I can, hopefully with the next paycheck. You inspired me to do it, thank God.
I'm a homneschooling mom of 3 whose hubby just got word they may force him to retire within the year. God is still trying to teach me to trust Him alone. My hubby also has a porn problem, yet is not repentant which is a burden for me. You can't know how much I appreciate you and your hubby sharing your story. When I talk with other women, I'm so glad to be able to tell them there are some who experience victory. God bless!
Hi! My name is Laura from The Girl Next Door Grows Up. I started blogging in October and simply love it.
I really like your blog name and design. Please stop by and visit me! I am a new follower.
Have a super day!
I don't have a blog of my own but I love reading Kristen's! I am a stay at home mom of one homeschooled child. I love my life and I am daily grateful for my husband who helps support my chosen lifestyle.
Hi! I'm Mrs. H and I am overwhelmed with all that's going on in my life right now so I've been a bit remiss in blog posting the past few weeks, however I'm a mommy, a wife, and a gal who's trying to live a God-led life. I've begun dabbling in photography and having a blast!
Hi my name is PJ, and I've been blogging for almost 2 years now. I blog simply because I love to write. I write about all the stuff that constantly runs through my head. So that makes it a pretty ecclectic blog. My passions are marriages, healthy eating, politics, books, and God. Not in that order. :-)
Hello from UBP! This is my fist visit here although I have you "logo" around the blogsphere! I would love the gift card...I am sure I could spend it on endless things!! Nice to meet you! BTW: I love your banner...shot from behind are so cool!
I visit your blog regularly and really enjoy it. I especially liked yesterday's post on homeschooling as I taught my kids at home too even though they went to public school--except for my youngest--he was totally homeschooled from grade 7 to graduation.
I'm Kristin (with two i's). I've been reading your blog for about 3 months and love your honesty about real life. I've just started blogging, and love cruising blogs for good ideas.
I am a SHAM, with one 10 year old son, who loves to read and cook, usually in that order. :) I spend too much money on books so began blogging for books about 3 months ago. I read, review and giveaway books at http://tgteecher.blogspot.com. Nice to meet all of you. Come visit sometime. And thanks, Kristen, I am a follower of your blog. Love all your insights.
Reading about Him,
Hi, my name is Amy. I don't have a blog but have been following your blog for months and love it!
Hi, I'm Kati! I've been reading you for a long time now. I mostly blog about our family and some crafting that goes on. :)
You are SO THE BOMB diggity!
I love your blog...and your sweet ministry!
You inspire me everytime I pop over!
When I grow up....I wanna blog just like you!
teehee! :)
Happy Friday!
I'm Susan. I've been thinking about starting a blog, because I need more things to do! Ha! I've enjoyed reading your blog for a few months now and love it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Kristen, thanks for this fun opportunity to win $ and introduce my crazy blog. I'm a mom and crazy passionate about adoption and caring for orphans. You can find a little of everything on my blog. My posts celebrate and encourage mommyhood and helping readers take the plunge into the crazy amazing world of adoption! I love blogging, laughing, baking scones, encouraging, hugging, mommyhood and living crazy!!
Thanks for your fun bloggy friendship and I think your sis ROCKS TOO!
If your readers are crazy like my readers... come on over and say hi!! You can follow me to Haiti next week and see firsthand the delivery of the $2,100 of formula my readers helped raise!!
Hi! I've been subscribing to your blog for awhile now and I enjoy reading your wonderful posts!
Hi! My name is Kristin Davison from davisonacresoilfield.blogspot.com! I believe that this blog was the very first one I ever read when I set out to become a reader and blog writer! It introduced me to several that I now also love! I absolutely read WFMW and have participated in some of them. I also waited with baited breath and anticipation each day for an update from Kenya. My heart was positively moved from your Kenya story. A fellow Texas girl, and "Kristin", I just love weareTHATfamily! It rings true for so so many!
Hi, I'm Julie. I recently started a new blog to post about my weight-loss fundraiser. I am a former missionary kid who grew up in South America, a mom to two great kids (7 & 3), a wife to a brand-new truck driver, a member of a great church, a coffee drinker extraordinaire, and an all around fun lovin' and non-scheduled person.
Hi everyone! I am Melanie from TN. I love, love, love 'wearethatfamily'! I am a newbie, blogger-wannabe with no idea what I'm doing, but I'm having fun giving it a try. I love to blog about my faith, family, and life. It's so nice to 'meet' all of you. I look forward to visiting your blogs!
~ melscoffeebreak.blogspot.com ~
Glad to see you're participating in UBP 2010!! I follow your blog already so when I just came to your page today like I do everyday I was happy to see you're partying with the rest of us!!
Shelby from http://msmichalek.blogspot.com
Hi! Nice to meet everyone!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Hi there! I am also participating in the Ultimate Blog Party, and am really enjoying seeing all the fantastic mom bloggers out here in cyberspace! :)
I would love it if you would stop by my blog and say hello! http://www.toriclose.com
Thanks also for the chance to enter your giveaway. What fun! :)
I love your blog. I am a stay at home mom to a three year old boy and just very recently started a blog. I love reading your post.
I'm new to your blog, but was just captivated by your Africa adventures. It's really made me and my family think hard about what we are doing to help those in need. We also have family that just moved to Nairobi. I am a mother to three (almost four) kids and haven't found time to start up my own blog yet, but maybe one day . . .
Ooo ooo ooo Pick me! Pick me!
Well, I've been reading for a while now. I'm Nicole, I'm about to have my sixth child, and your posts about Kenya were what finally made me click on the sponsor button and start serving a child in Africa. Thanks! :)
Hi! My name is Laura. I have a blog that I update about my trip to Haiti two weeks ago. It was life changing. Unreal. Indescribable. Just go see for yourself... :)
My name is Erica, and I've been reading your blog for about a year and a half. You're one of my absolute favorites! I have been married to my wonderful worship pastor husband for almost seven years, and we have two little girls who are 4 1/2 and 2. I'm a high school English teacher, a volunteer, a daughter, sister, friend, and child of God. I don't have a blog right now, but I've been considering starting one for several months. I just have to make sure it's going to be something that adds goodness to my life and doesn't take away from my family before I commit. :)
Well I love, love love your blog! While I love to blog myself, I am not a professional like many of you. I most often blog about my wonderful family and friends and on some occasions I will share about my opinions on things. Keep up the blogging!
Hi! I don't even know how I started reading people's blogs, but it happened about a year ago. I stumbled across your blog and could totally relate to the part of your family that you share publicly through your blog.
We are a homeschooling family who started blogging a chick-hatching project in 2007. It was our first time with such a project and I wanted to chronicle it for others because I had no one to compare our experience with. Do the chicks really die if the incubator gets too hot for just a few minutes? What if it's too hot or too cool for longer than you realize? That's what I wanted to know. Of course, you don't know until hatching time comes. But I blogged all about it and what I would have done differently. That evolved into another blog more about our family. I have a daughter who either has high-functioning autism or a 2-year developmental delay (emotionally/socially). The diagnosis continues to change as she gets older and goes through therapy, but it's so common that I wanted to put ourselves out there a little for others to know they are not alone. That's why I blog - oh, and for the release in doing so!
Hi! I'm Deann and here's where I blog about my family: http://jsquared-tx.blogspot.com and my cookies: http://busybeecookieco.blogspot.com
Everyone's invited!
Happy Blog Party 2010! I Love your blog! I just started blogging a couple months ago. Visit me at:
Oo, how fun!
My name's Michelle. I blog about life in general. Being a mom of 2 boys, married to a patient man, and the crazy thoughts that run through my head when my A.D.D. kicks in! I love crafy stuff (sewing, photography, baking) and spend most of my free time muddling through one of my hobbies!
I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of two teenage girlies who is aspiring to blog and open an etsy shop. Reading your blog has helped me on my journey and I am preparing blog posts and gathering pics to start the process. Thanks for the inspiration!
You know I love you - even when you offend people saying you're a homeschooler! Proud to call you my friend.
Hi Kristin,
I really enjoy your blog. I don't always have time to leave a comment, but I read it often! I love that I actually got to meet you in real life, too. And that we share a heart for Africa, a desire to raise Godly children and be generous with the gifts we've been given -- and hopefully adoption, too! My party post is here http://itfeelslikechaos.blogspot.com/2010/04/party-with-side-of-some-chaos.html
I've been following you for quite some time and I am thoroughly inspired by your Compassion experience!
Blessings to you!
I've followed "That Family" for so long I don't even remember! It is a daily soure of inspiration for me :) I am Emily N. from :too Blessed to Stress" Over at my blog, we talk about all things home and family: how to make your house feel like a home, how to keep your joy in the midst of clutter and chaos, how to bless others with your talents, simple ways to make your loved ones FEEL loved and how to father our nests so that they feel like a sanctuary for all those who enter from the storm. For encouragement and a great place to swap ideas, come on by "too Blessed to Stress"... and if you're new to "that Family" be sure to keep coming back for inspirtaion, humor, and the daily challenge to do our part to bless others!
~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"
Oh I just love your blog! This is so fun! You can come visit me at amomentcherished.com! I just adore meeting new bloggers!
Long time reader and LOVER of your hair do! ;o)
I subscribe! ;o)
Your blog is always one of the first I look for in my Blogger dashboard. Thanks for the inspriration! :)
I'm a mom to six and just found your blog. It really resonates with me. Thank you
I love you blog ! I have subscribed to it for the past year or so and always look forward to your posts. Your blog is down-to-earth and I can relate to it.
Nice to meet you, I'm from the blog party. That's very cool that you've had the chance to go to Africa... great story.
Hey. Just found you through Health Home Happy blog. I looked up the eggshell tip.
I have a blog/website www.nourishingcreations.com it just links up with my foodie blog. I make nourishing cakes, believe it or not. My 2 year old daughter helps too! I'm a real food health educator as well.
Hello, my name is Alexia and I am a blogoholic LOL
My blog is a crazy mish-mash of whatever flows through my brain at any given time. It's things I love, things I'm learning, a scrapbook of sorts for my boys and reviews of all the book, movies and products I come across.
I named my blog The Mommy Rambles and that's literally what I do!
i don't blog yet, but i'm considering it. i got a kick out of the title 'that family'. in our small town we tend to be known as 'the ones with the triplets'. my girls are 7, and my son is a 5.next fall they will all be in school and i'm finding myself a little lost. not always such a bad thing. -jen
Me!! Mee!!!! Pick MEEEE!!!!!
I enjoy your fresh writing style! Thanks for sharing your family story. I do blog, but not for a big audience. I think my mother checks in from time to time... I would love to be entered for a gift card!
Hi! I am Mary Kay of MarytheKay, and I am brand new to blogging! As part of my Turning 40 resolutions, I got up the nerve, carved out some time, and started a blog on my 40th birthday!!! I have really loved it so far. I like to make people laugh almost as much as I like Coca-Cola...but, honestly, I probably make MYSELF laugh more than anything.
I really LOVE reading your blog. I love your humor, your honesty, your gutsy faith. I admire what you're doing with your blog. I feel it a privilege to visit your blog and read what you've written each day. (And I promise I am not just buttering you up for the free gift card...However, if it works, I can even say more! Just let me know :-)
I am not leaving a comment to enter--but just to say---I read your links to old posts---I loved them all!
Thanks for sharing so much (of God's work where you are AND great giveaways)!
Also, I have been checking in frequently since He Said/She Said and have just subscribed so I can keep up with what you have to share. Thanks again and I am excited to see His work in your lives through your Africa transformation!
Hi there, I am Sharon and I am blogging at http://simplysharon.wordpress.com/
I've been blogging for about a year and a half. I started my blog as an online journal, a way to maybe start an online store (hasn't happened yet) and to talk about how God took us from the loss of our tiny daughter to being blessed with our adopted daughter. I love the Lord, my husband, my daughter, chocolate, creating art . . . The blog is a place where I can be and people actually stop by to read it. Amazing! ;)
I have found myself on your blog often, but thought I would come back for the party anyway!
So nice to meet you! I have been blogging since 2008, but only REALLY got into it about a year ago! Happy blog party week :)
I am Mindy from MO and I am a 21 year old college student! I write about my (boring) life at mindymerenghi.blogspot.com. Ha. I've been reading your blog for a while!
I subscribe to your blog too! (extra entry)
I just love the honesty that comes through on your blog, thanks for sharing.
Love your blog and your writing style and personality! ;0)
Visiting from the Party!
My blog Coming Clean: Confessions of an Imperfect Parent takes a mostly humorous look at my struggles and victories in parenting and perfectionism! ;0)
Following you now!
Nice to meet you! Can't wait to look around!!!
Hi, I'm Eos Mom, I've been reading you since you took over WFMW. I have a little work-in-progress blog about my life with two littles, my son who's almost 5 (eek, they grow up so fast!) and my daughter who is 18 months. It's pretty random but so am I. ;-)
I have been a subscriber for a while. LOVE your blog.
Hi! I'm Sarah from Daddy On the Road, Mommy on the Run and I began reading your blog not long before you were kind enough to take over WFMW.
I love your blog and have shed tears reading your Africa stories; my husband and I got to go to Kenya a few years ago. Achingly beautiful stuff :) Thank you for going and sharing your experience with your readers!!!
I followed you through your Africia journey! Amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Hi, I have been reading your blog and following you on twitter since signing up for Relevant. Can't wait to meet you. Now I have joined the UBP. Pretty fun! Just subscribed to you.
Come visit me if you want. You can see my party post and read 20 facts about me.
God Bless
(The Cottage Chick)
Hi. I just had to check out your blog based on your title. :^) I love Jesus, too, and hope you have some time to pop into my place (#225) this week: http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com/2010/04/2010-ultimate-blog-party.html.
Saying hello for the UBP! Just started reading your blog regularly and love it! Come by and say hello if you get a chance!
Hi. I'm Megan from Momiji to Mitsukoshi. I started blogging in August last year, while my husband and I prepared for our second trip to Japan together. It was supposed to be a blog about our trip, but after we returned, blogging had become such a part of life that I have continued (when I have time). I found your blog through Compassion Bloggers in Kenya, through Pastor Ryan, through The Pioneer Woman. That's as far back as I can trace it, but it probably goes about ten blogs further back than that!
You've touched my heart and soul with your blogs from Kenya. We have a Compassion child there now and we have one in the Dominican Republic (after reading Malborough Man's blogs from there).
Thank you. God bless you.
Wowza! This is quite the party...my party must be a total flop because I don't have very many visitors. LOL. Maybe it's because I'm a first timer? Anyway, glad I found out where all the party people were hanging out. And hope you'll find time to stop by my lonely blog.
It's nice to visit you.
I'm coming through from UBP 2010.
Would love for you to visit some time.
I love your blog! (but you already knew that, didn't you?) ;0)
I also already subscribe and have FOR-EVER. =P
Anywho.. my blog (Classic Housewife) is a mess. Not visually. I just redid the design and I love that part. I just have too many things I want to blog about, I think, to have enough consistency (home, kids, school, God). I've been working on that though and I think after all these years I'm finally finding my groove.
I also have a coffee blog (For the Love of Coffee) that I've always had a clear vision for but have seriously neglected. (HOW BACKWARDS IS THAT?!) I just started blogging on it again, with a better plan than before so we'll see if I can do it some justice now. =P
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